From the Principal Class Team

Dear Parents and Carers,
Mount Ridley College has enjoyed a fantastic start to Term 1, marked by the joyful return of our students and staff and the immediate resurgence of our strong community spirit. Our youngest learners, the Preps, have successfully transitioned to full-time schooling. Meanwhile, our senior Vocational Major and VET students are actively engaged in their TAFE courses. Preparations are also well underway for the Year 10 Work Experience program, with students finalising their placements for an immersive week in the workplace at the end of the term.
Mount Ridley College prides itself on its strong community partnerships, both locally and beyond. We were delighted to host our valued business partners for a morning tea on Wednesday, March 5th. During the event, we celebrated our scholarship recipients and look forward to witnessing their continued achievements. We extend our sincere thanks to our College Captains and Vice Captains for their excellent hosting, and to our business partners and families for their unwavering support.
The Student Advocacy Team held the 2025 student leadership investiture ceremony last week, recognising School Captains, Mini School Captains, Vice-Captains, and all student leaders. The ceremony, filled with emotion and pride, included addresses from the 2025 School Captains outlining their vision. Mount Ridley College looks forward to the contributions of these leaders to enhance all student experiences at our College.
Grade Point Average (GPA) has been a key point of discussion this week. Students, teachers, and families are utilising GPA scores to assess student progress and establish learning goals. The GPA provides families with information regarding their student's effort and behaviour in class, which correlates directly with their grades. If families have questions, they should contact their child's teacher. The second GPA cycle has commenced, and we encourage families to utilise the GPA to help their children reflect on their learning behaviours and create achievable learning goals for this new cycle.
As we draw closer to the end of Term 1, I wish to draw your attention to several upcoming school-wide events.
On Wednesday, April 2nd, we will be hosting WeShare interviews. These interviews are a fantastic opportunity for a productive three-way conversation between parents, students and teachers. In order to prepare, please review the Learning Task comments and the latest GPA cycle on Compass. Also, discussing your child's learning with them, prior to the interview, will help you to formulate any questions you may have. Appointments can be made through Compass, and the booking system will open next week. We expect all students to attend the WeShare interviews, as it is a great opportunity for them to reflect on their learning and discuss their future learning goals. We look forward to discussing your child's learning with you.
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) for Years 3, 5, 7, and 9 students is scheduled to commence next week. In 2025, the NAPLAN Online test window is between Wednesday, March 12th, and Monday, March 24th. NAPLAN tests assess student knowledge and skills in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar, and punctuation), and numeracy. Please refer to Compass for Year level specific information.
College Photos:
Our Colege photos will take place:
- Friday, March 14th, for students in Years Prep-7.
- Monday, March 17th, for students in Years 8-12.
To order photos, please follow the below for instructions.
Family/sibling photos will be taken in Term 2. Instructions to order these will be provided in Term 2.
Please take the time to browse the remainder of the newsletter for key upcoming dates and events that have taken place so far this term.
We hope you all have great long weekend.
Mr Cameron Woollard
Deputy Principal: College Operations/Communications