

At Fitzroy Primary School we classify a child as late if they arrive at school after the bell. Students arriving late must check in with the office with a family member and sign into the Compass Kiosk. If they are marked not present in session one,  families will receive a text message and can update or call the office to add a note.


If a child is 15 minutes late everyday by the end of the year that is the equivalent of 8 days away from school. Please ensure that your child is on time for school every day. Lateness can impact student learning and classroom routines. Lesson instruction is done in the first 10 to 15 minutes of class so if a student misses this it is hard to catch up.

Just a reminder that during learning time, pick up or drop off we strongly discourage parents going into classrooms. 


If you are picking up your child early please notify the office or your child`s teacher in advance so we can have them ready at pick up.


We understand appointments and family holidays sometimes occur during term dates. Contacting teachers regarding long term family holidays is recommended.