Students with medical conditions

Look Out For | Medical Information Updated required emails


To ensure students at Ballarat Primary School Dana Street are given the best possible care during a medical emergency we are writing to remind families of our Policies regarding Medication and Medical conditions within Ballarat Primary School Dana Street.


As per our Policies (which can be found on our school website) we would like to remind families of the following:

  • All medications must arrive at the school in their original packaging
  • All medications must be within expiry date
  • All medications must have a chemist label (for prescription medications) or over the counter medications have the child’s name clearly labelled.
  • A colour photo must be applied to the Asthma plan (the school can obtain one from the school management system Sentral if the parent is unable to provide one).

Annual plans must be provided to the school (If a change occurs in between the year renewal you must have a new plan made and give to the school). 

*Asthma, Anaphylaxis and Allergy plans must be renewed annually. The school would prefer that the annual plans are updated at the beginning of each calendar year.


If a student requires medication, the school encourages parents to arrange for medication to be taken outside of school hours. However, the school understands that students may need to take medication at school.

Students who do require medication given at school; the parent must complete a Medication Authority Form. These can be found at the school Office.


Any new medication or plan MUST be brought to the front office. This will be passed onto the classroom teacher. This ensures that the school medical records can be updated.

If your child has never had the medication before, the first dosage must be taken at home and enough time to pass to see if a reaction occurs.


If your child's medical condition is no longer applicable, please email of this change.






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