Year Two Team News

with Steph, Joel and Georgia

Hello Year Two families,

The last two weeks have flown by and we hope that you all enjoy a well deserved long weekend to freshen up for what will be an exciting second half of term. 


Looking back over the last two weeks, we’ve had a lot to celebrate! The Art Show provided a wonderful opportunity for the students to see all their fantastic work displayed. A massive shoutout to Marcia and Jojo for putting it all together, and to the students for their great efforts! We’ve also spent some time with the Year 3 classes, doing some buddy reading, playing games and enjoying each other’s company. It’s been lovely to see a range of students form new connections across the year levels, and we look forward to spending more time all together in the coming weeks. 


Looking ahead, next week we will begin our warm water swimming program on Wednesday the 6th of November. Thank you to all of the parents who have volunteered their time to assist us over the duration of the program. We ask that students come to school prepared each day and also have a little bit of extra food on swimming days to give them the energy they need. Packing a spare pair of labelled underwear and socks in a ziplock bag in their school bags will also help ensure that no one is caught short. 



Important news:

  • Upcoming Excursion: On Wednesday 27th of November we will be having our Grade Two excursion to the Melbourne Botanical Gardens to support the learning of our inquiry unit. We are looking for two parent helpers from each class. If you are interested in coming to assist on the day, please be in touch with your child’s teacher.
  • Grade 2 Assemblies: Well done to 2K who did a wonderful job of hosting assembly with 1B, and 2G who did a fantastic job of hosting assembly with 1D. 2J will be hosting assembly with 1K on Friday 15th November. 


Curriculum Focus: Weeks 5 and 6 of Term 4 

Literacy: In Reading, we will be continuing to gather up facts when reading non-fiction texts. We will also continue to explore vowel digraphs. In writing, we will be writing information reports on things that can be found in our garden.

Numeracy:  We will be revising place value and shapes.

Inquiry: We will be beginning our Oral Presentations and continuing to research invertebrates and creatures we find in the garden. 

Willy Kids: Through the pillar of responsibility, we will be learning about the importance of honesty.


Photos from the last two weeks:



Until next time,

The Grade Two Team - Steph Keswick (2K), Joel Kitchen (2J) & Georgia Grainger (2G)