Year Four Team News

with Rebecca, Brittlee, Toni & Matt

Hello Year Four families,

Fortnightly Curriculum Focus

Literacy: In Writing, students have published their Information Reports. Linking with our Inquiry topic ‘Spinning in Space’ students have created a brochure outlining information about a chosen planet. Students have then published this information in a brochure format, engaging their audience with pictures, facts and information. Students are continuing to integrate our Inquiry unit through further writing and reading tasks. In Reading, Year 4 students are continuing to develop different techniques to comprehend texts. These techniques involve identifying the main idea, looking at different vocabulary and summarising. Students have been looking at texts full of rich vocabulary such as ‘The Stone Lion’ by Margaret Wild and ‘Spinning in Space’ related texts. Students are also continuing with the text Storm Boy written by Colin Thiele. Students are challenged to think critically about the characters in the text and differing themes.


Numeracy: In Numeracy, Year 4 students are continuing with our Capacity and Volume units. Students are learning topic related vocabulary and the differences between the formulas for these concepts. Students are using hands-on materials such as MAB blocks to identify the volume of different shapes and further understand how 3D models can support their understanding. Our students continue to play games with a Number Sense focus. They are also using online programs such as Essential Assessment to reinforce skills and target specific individual goals. 


Inquiry: Students have had the opportunity to visit Scienceworks. During our trip, students visited the planetarium and watched a short film titled ‘Tilt.’which explored the Earth’s rotation and orbit, the Sun and day and night. Students also learned that night is one big shadow, how shadows are formed and how they evolve. This then progressed into how seasons are determined by the tilt of our planet. Students also got to be involved in a workshop, where they were able to use materials and discuss the impacts of the Sun, Moon and Earth.


Willy Kids: Our fortnightly focus has been: "Willy Kids are Accountable." Students this fortnight have reflected on what accountability means and how to be responsible. Students have looked at different scenarios and have discussed in groups how they can remain accountable at all times. Students have kept a record of goals and ways they’re able to practise being accountable by reflecting everyday on an area of their choosing. Students have adjusted their goals based on their reflections.

Respectful Relationships: This term we are learning about stress management. We have focused on the following subtopics;

  • What is stress?
  • Self calming and control techniques
  • Calming and coping
  • Relaxation techniques

Your child may come home with questions regarding this content. 



  • Monday 4th of November, student free day
  • Tuesday 5th of November, Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
  • Please bring devices to school everyday, fully charged.
  • Please bring a Sunsmart hat and sunscreen as the weather is becoming warmer.


Warm regards,

The Grade Four Team - Matt Eason-Jones (4E), Rebecca Givogue & Toni Lind (4G), Brittlee Salvo (4S)