From the Principal

Principal: Mathew Montebello

Dear Families,

The Cup weekend has always been a checkpoint and a final turn in term four. 

We quickly go from weeks 3 and 4 to weeks 6 and 7 in a heartbeat with next week's curriculum day and public holiday creating a shortened week. 


A reminder to families that next Monday 4th November is a curriculum day and student free day. This day is an allocated report writing day for all teaching staff.

Over the next couple of weeks students will undertake a range of assessments. These assessments strongly support the report writing process making student attendance through the period extra crucial. Your support during this assessment period is much appreciated.


2025 Preps commence transition.

On Tuesday night we hosted our 2025 prep parents for our annual prep transition night.

The event, which was well attended, gave the opportunity to families to hear about the transition program, and the early days of school. 

Parents and carers also had the chance to meet the prep team for next year. The school will operate two prep classes with Caitlin Sullivan and Georgia Grainger leading the new Willy Kids in the classroom.

The students had their first transition day in the classroom yesterday. There was lots of excitement, and it was great seeing them engaged in a range of learning activities. This was the first of four sessions our new Willy Kids will undertake.

This is an exciting time for the students and their families, and we look forward to supporting them on their journey.


New students arriving

In recent weeks I have had the pleasure of guiding new families and their children on school tours. These tours are for families who have or are about to move into our school community and will be commencing at Willy Primary in 2025. To date we already have approximately sixteen new Willy Kids starting in a range of year levels for next year. We look forward to learning more about our future Willy Kids.


Grade 5/6 campers

Over the last two weeks our grade 5/6 students have headed down to Anglesea for camp in three groups. Students have undertaken a range of activities such as kayaking, surfing and rope course. It has been fun hearing of their excitement (and tiredness) after a jam packed 3 days.

Later this term our year 3 students will be heading off on the Zoo Snooze camp and we are excited to hear of their adventure. Next week our year 1 students will be participating in their Grade 1 dinner. The dinner is the preliminary stage of our school camping program.


Buildings and Grounds Update

Recently I communicated that the school has been working with the VSBA on two projects.

The first project is the grant application for the redevelopment of the school’s junior toilets. This project has been shortlisted and is in the final approval stages. We now cross our fingers to hopefully receive a positive outcome.

The second project involved key conditioning features of our two main heritage buildings, the bluestone building and the redbrick building. Recently heritage architects have been on site finalising the scope of works required. The core work revolves around the roofing, windows, and concrete mouldings on the two buildings. Once completed it will provide a much-needed update so our buildings can shine for another 150 years. This is a VSBA funded project and will not see the school burden the cost, which is a great outcome.



Families Relocating/Leaving

Term 4 is zooming past and this means plans for 2025 are well on the way. The end of year brings lots of changes and for some it is a geographical change. We are asking any families who will be moving on in 2025 who haven't already contacted the office to do so. This information will ensure the school has all the required information moving into next year.



Warm regards,
