Lovin' Sports

Zac Robinson
Zac Robinson, Year 10, recently trialled with AUSA Hoops at Shore School, North Sydney, an Australia-America basketball program. He performed exceptionally well and has been offered a place in the program!
If Zac accepts, AUSA Hoops will provide mentorship in various areas, including guidance on the classes he should take in Years 11 and 12 and the grades he needs to achieve. As part of the program, Zac will spend two weeks in the USA next July, staying at a college and playing in front of numerous college scouts and coaches. Program participants complete their senior years in Australia, and those fortunate enough to secure a college offer will head to the U.S. after Year 12 to pursue both college and basketball opportunities.
Congratulations Zac!
Tennis Time
Last week was full of tennis. Four students from Secondary School, Liam, Benjamin, Ruby and Harry, travelled to Sydney on Tuesday to compete at the CSSA Tennis Championship. All four students played exceptionally, all progressing through to finals. Although no individual student won the day, as a team our students placed 2nd overall with a winning percentage of 84%. This is a huge effort and all four students are congratulated for their efforts and support of one another.
CWWHSSA, Foster Cup Tennis tournament was held on the Friday with Hannah, Brenna, Harry, Benjamin and Ruby. The competition was made up of singles, doubles and mixed doubles against six other local High Schools. Our team played exceptionally placing 2nd in Pool A. Unfortunately we were defeated by a solitary game, preventing us from moving into the Grand Final. However, the students rallied strongly and convincingly won their minor final, placing 3rd overall. Again a hardy congratulations to all those involved.
Primary Basketball Gala Day
Our Primary basketball teams had an amazing time at the Gala Day in Sydney! After arriving on Sunday, they enjoyed exploring Circular Quay before game day. Huge congratulations to the boys’ team for finishing 2nd in their pool and the girls’ team for placing 3rd! Well done to all!