
Biblical Worldview – History and Science

This week we continue the Christian perspectives series with a look at History and Science. 



“Until lions have their historians, tales of the hunt will always glorify the hunter”

African Proverb


History is about stories; these stories shape our present existence and future direction. The quote above is a great reminder that the stories of history are complex. Studying History helps us understand how the things that have happened in the past have helped shape our present, and how they may move us into the future. It also reminds us that history is multi-sided and that the predominant view of history is written by the dominant culture of the time in a way that supports their worldview and what they would like truth to be.


As a Christian educator, we bring a story to this study of history. The story that we bring is the idea that history is in truth His story. The Bible makes the clear claim that at the heart of all things - including history - is God.


So, what does this mean for the Christian History teacher?


Well not only do they endeavour to work to unfold the many and varied, dominant and non-dominant historical narratives that vie for our attention (such as Modernism, Democracy, Fundamentalism, and Feminism) They also look to understand and unfold how His story, the story of gospel impacts history. This is a great challenge for teachers and students, yet it provides a depth of understanding that much of our current instant dominant culture cannot do as they cannot step back and consider a different story or worldview. In working to do this at Wagga Wagga Christian College we can begin to understand history as the clash of worldviews and stories which will afford our students a deeper understanding of our past and in doing so give them a clearer picture of the future that our God continues to unfold according to his plan.



Science is one of the most discussed and hotly debated topics in terms of Biblical worldviews. Creation, evolution, intelligent design, Big Bang theory, science as the answer to life’s mysteries, and science as a useful tool to help explain God's creation are all areas that can challenge and cause controversy.


Science is one of the most amazing subjects, it is the systematic study of the physical and natural world. It shows us how amazing God and His creation are and there is more and more to uncover about how complex His creation is. In the Bible, we read that God created the heavens and the earth. The Biblical creation account was not necessarily intended to be a scientific textbook for the reader, but rather it was intended to outline the hierarchy of the universe and man's place in it. In Genesis we read that God created the world, He was at its centre, forming and filling the earth. God then created man and from very early on gave him the job to name all the animals. This task that God gave tapped into the inquisitive and investigative nature of humanity. In this process we can see that it was God's creational intent to allow us to explore and unfold His creation, to be scientists if you will. We are given the honour and joy of uncovering its laws and harnessing the various aspects of this world that God has made and given us stewardship over.


However, a consequence of sin entering the world was the idea that we thought we could do the work of God. One of the effects of this was that it elevated science to the place of God. Science is often no longer seen as a means through which we can experience God but has instead become a god in itself. We don't have to look far to see evidence of this, as the mainstream media will often provide fresh evidence of the 'war' between science and religion. New Atheism, intelligent design, scientific ethics, there are many fronts on which this supposed battle wages. But this is not really a battle between Christianity and the tool of science, rather it is a deeper battle between a Christian worldview and a secular worldview that has been misnamed.


For Christians, science is a wonderful and beautiful tool that God has provided humanity to grow in our understanding of creation. It does its work of helping us to unfold and understand the natural and physical world very well. We do not need to try to make science fit all situations, as God has given us other ways to describe our world such as art, language, relationships and mathematics. God's creation is so rich and laden with meaning, beauty and glory that no one tool can describe it all!!!



Lisa Dumicich

Interim Principal