Chatham Happenings

Year 1/2 Toy Incursion
On Monday 21st October the Year 1 and 2 cohort came together to enjoy an incursion on Toys to complement our Term 4 unit on STEAM - Toys. It was wonderful bringing Science and engineering-based learning to our students’ awareness. The focus was on movement and forces, and students were able to engage in a range of activity stations based on pull, push, rotation and new toys. This hands-on toy incursion enabled students to experience and understand push, pull, gravity and rotational inertia. Every student then made their own toy and was able to take their toy home to show their families. Each toy demonstrated push, pull and a rotational mechanism. This fantastic experience gave our students more ideas for their own STEAM toy projects this term.
Ms Anita Buccieri
Year 1/ 2 Teacher