Leadership Report


Welcome back to everyone for what promises to be an action packed and fun-filled term for our students and families. We are so pleased with how all of our students have settled in to their learning and are applying themselves to their fullest. To our new families that have joined us this term, we welcome you to our school community. 




As we continue to work together for our students' success and wellbeing, I want to remind you that our school community is built on open communication and partnership. We believe that when parents and school staff collaborate, our children thrive in an environment where they feel safe, supported, and empowered to achieve their best.


We understand that sometimes concerns or questions may arise, and we want you to know that we are always here to listen and support you. Whether it's a small concern or something more significant, we encourage you to reach out to us. We are committed to working together to resolve any issues, answer your questions, and ensure that you and your child feel confident and happy within our school community.


At Orchard Park, we are dedicated to creating a positive and inclusive environment for all. Your voice is important, and we are here to help in any way we can. Whether it’s through a phone call, an email, or a face-to-face conversation, please don’t hesitate to connect with us whenever you need.




On Monday, 4th November, staff will be continuing our professional learning around our research-based approaches in teaching and learning of Writing. We will be working alongside Emina McLean, our expert consultant who has been guiding our whole school direction in literacy frameworks. This important day will allow us to further refine our strategies to ensure high-quality writing instruction across all year levels.


Tuesday, 5th November is a public holiday, providing families with the opportunity to enjoy an extended long weekend together.


For families requiring care on Monday, Camp Australia will still be running their program, however, it will be held at Bridgwood Primary School. Please ensure you book in advance through the usual Camp Australia booking system to secure your child's spot.




Today marked an exciting milestone as we hosted our first Prep Transition session for our 2025 preps. It was wonderful to see our kinder kids visit, meet other students in their cohort, and begin familiarising themselves with their future learning community. The children enjoyed a range of activities, giving them a taste of what school life will be like next year. We are thrilled to support them on this journey and can’t wait to see their confidence grow over the coming sessions!




We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Parent-Teacher Interviews, scheduled for Tuesday, 29th October, and Wednesday, 30th October. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with your child’s teacher and gain insights into their academic and personal development throughout the semester.


What’s New This Semester?

This semester, our reports will have a slightly different format, so we’re offering a second round of interviews to help unpack your child’s academic progress in greater detail. During the meeting, classroom teachers will:

  • Share a sample of your child’s writing.
  • Discuss progress in Core Literacy, English, and Mathematics.
  • Provide insights into your child’s social and emotional development over the semester.

Our goal is to ensure that you leave the meeting with a clear understanding of your child’s progress ahead of receiving their Semester Reports, which will be sent home later this term.




As we head into Term 4 and the warmer months, it’s time for all students to remember their SunSmart hats. In line with our school’s SunSmart policy, school uniform hats are required to be worn by all students whenever they are outside—during recess, lunch, sports, and any outdoor activities.


Please make sure your child brings their school hat every day to stay protected from the sun. Hats are essential to help shield students from harmful UV rays and keep them safe while enjoying the outdoors.Please don’t forget to ensure your child’s name is clearly written on the inside of the hat also. 


If your child needs a new hat, they are available for purchase at the school uniform shop.

Let’s work together to keep everyone SunSmart and safe next term.




We’d like to take a moment to thank those who have already stopped using the Kurmboon Kindergarten car park during drop-off and pick-up times. Your support is helping to keep our youngest community members safe, and we truly appreciate it. 


Additionally, please remember to observe the speed zones around the school and use the designated parking areas during drop-off and pick-up. Let’s work together to ensure the safety of all students and families during these peak times.