LHS Shooting Success!
On Monday, 14 October, 12 LHS students competed in the 40th Annual Benalla Clay Target Championships at Benalla Field & Game, with over 100 shooters from across the state participating.
LHS Team
- Joshua Blaxland
- Luke Blaxland
- Lachlan DeVine
- Taj Durrant
- Chloe Hughes-Gage
- Riley Hughes-Gage
- Dylan Naylor
- Nathan Naylor
- Ryan O'Halloran
- Nathan Rogers
- Bailey Webb-Collings
- Blake Thomas
All students shot very well and should be extremely proud of their efforts in representing the school.
A BIG congratulations and well done to the following place getters on the day:
1st Teams
Riley Hughes-Gage, Dylan Naylor, Blake Thomas and Nathan Rogers
2nd Individual Junior Girls
Chloe Hughes-Gage
2nd Individual Senior Boys
Riley Hughes-Gage
A special thank you to the parents for their attendance and support on the day.
Danielle DeVine