Student Free Day
A Taste of France In Your Home
Host A Student From Our Sister School in February 2025
Would your family be interested in hosting a student from our sister school in France for 16 days in February 2025 (2nd to 19th)? A bed, meals, and a warm Australian welcome are what we need from our host families.
The French students need to be dropped off and collected from school each day. For bus-traveling hosts, we will provide the French students with a myki/bus pass so they can take the bus with you.
The French students are all Year 11 and Year 12 students, but hosting is open to any year level.
If you are interested in hosting or have any questions, please email Kelly Farrell as soon as possible -
Families who have previously expressed an interest in hosting are also asked to email Kelly.
Exiting School Process
Parents and Carers of students who are exiting Lilydale High School at the end of the school year, 2024 are required to complete and return an Exit Form to the School Administration Office.
We need to know if your child will be undertaking one of the following;
- Transferring to another school
- TAFE (Institute/Course)
- Apprenticeship/Traineeship
- Full Time /Part Time Employment
- Seeking Employment
- Other reason
Please note, before a student can leave school, they must satisfactorily complete Year 10 and until the age of 17, they must be in some form of full-time training or employment.
Training options can include;
- Full time TAFE
- Apprenticeships
Students wishing to leave school before these requirements are met, must put in a request for ‘Exemption’ to the Regional Director, in consultation with Lilydale High School.
Students in Years 10 to 12 will be required to have a Careers Exit Interview with a Careers Counsellor prior to exiting.
School Reports
Once students are removed from current student records at the school, their school reports can no longer be accessed via the Compass Parent Portal. Parents and Carers are advised to print/download and save school reports for future reference.
If you have any questions regarding the exit process, please contact Lisa Polkinghorne in the Administration Office on 9735 5644.
Unexplained Absences
We request all parents/carers to check their Compass Parent Portal and approve any unexplained absences for their child this year.
In addition, if it is expected that your child will be absent from school for more than two days (illness, holiday, medical appointments etc), please communicate this with the relevant Sub School Office Assistants;
- Junior School - Kirralee Stewart
- Middle School - Lauren Kelso
- Senior School - Jenny McLean
Early Leaver Passes
If it is necessary to collect your child before the end of a school day, we ask that you enter this on COMPASS or provide a written note with your child.
Students must see the Sub School Assistants either, before Home Group, at recess or lunchtime and a pass will be issued to them.
Student Safety
Car Park - Melba Ave
For safety, students are not to be dropped off in the Melba Avenue Staff car park. This a parking facility only.
The STADIUM CAR PARK is designated for student drop off and collection. The William Street entrance to the school is also an option.