Year 1/2 

Mrs McBride, Mrs Dallas & Mrs Bray, with special help from Miss Jenni & Mrs Harrison

The new term started strong with our Year 1/ 2 students participating in a Life Education unit with the delightfully long-necked giraffe, Harold.  Students engaged in many activities to identify what is and what isn’t an emergency.  All our students enthusiastically danced their way to learn many ways to keep them safe! 

Literacy:  Our Year 1/2 students have been working hard on making connections between our background knowledge and applying it to our creativity in our writing. We know that many inventions are invented to solve a problem. Our students were asked to think of something already invented and then devise a new solution.  From a Barbie that plays with you at the push of a button; to a pair of shoes that flies you to places, our students have invented some far-out ideas!! 


Numeracy: From using play dough and salada biscuits to creating pizza and cookie pictures, we have enjoyed our unit on Fractions. With each of the above activities, Year 1/2 students were explicitly taught that regardless of how big or small the item or group is, a half will always be two equal parts, and a quarter will always be four equal parts. Judging by the fun of participating in these lessons, our students fully understood this numeracy task! 



AUSLAN is a unique language created by deaf and hearing-impaired Australians. Each Wednesday Mrs Rush teaches Year 1/2  students a new sign to practice so we can use it beyond the classroom. As you can see from our photos our students enjoy the 'speaking" that goes on in this activity!