Tenterfield Horse Sports

Tenterfield Interschool Horse Sports Report
By Peyton McBain, Josie Watts and Alice Meyer
On Friday, 10 amazing riders went from our school to compete at the Tenterfield Interschool Horse Sports. We started the day with a march past, Alice Meyer and Josie Watts led with the school flag, Peyton McBain, Charlotte Neville, Lara Newberry, Alec Newberry, Charlie Schalk, Matilda Schalk, Pollyanna McLeod and Georgie Meyer followed behind. Everyone had such good sportsmanship as they cheered and congratulated each other.
Next we had the hacking, where our horses and ourselves had to look our best. In all the hacking events: Charlotte came 1st, 1st, 2nd, 1st. Charlie came 3rd. Alec came 3rd, 3rd, 3rd, 2nd. Pollyanna came 4th, 5th, 4th. Matilda came 2nd,4th. Lara came 2nd, 2nd, 4th. Josie came 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st. Peyton came 2nd, 3rd, 4th. Alice came 2nd, 1st, 5th.
The sporting event was one of the best parts of the day. Everyone from our school received a ribbon. Friday’s events were a bit different to the usual sporting events. Many of them we had not done before. There was the running T, which some of us had done before, there was the the flag race, we were all familiar with that, the western bend was unfamiliar but we quickly learned the pattern, most of us knew how to do the clover leaf, everyone knew the rules of the keyhole, and the straight barrel was pretty straight forward. Even if we struggled to keep up with the rules of the new events, we all had an amazing time.
From this long, hot, exhausting day we still had the presentation to go. We had four people who got the highest and reserve highest point score. Alec Newbery got highest point score for 9 years and won a rug, Charlotte Neville got highest point score for 10 years and also won a rug, Josie Watts got reserve highest point score for the 11 years and she got a bag of horse feed and Peyton McBain won highest point score for the 11 years and won a rug. We all had a fun day and we wish to go back next year!
We all thank Miss Katie McMeniman and Mrs Karen Fletcher for arranging all the equipment for us. We also thank all our parents for driving us to Tenterfield and for paying the $20 dollar fee.