Principal's Report

Thoughts from our Principal - Mr Geoff McManus

As we move towards the end of the year, teachers engage in an extensive and rigorous process to collaborate together to produce accurate and informative reports for families. In that light please note that the “old days” of children having to complete an “end-of-year” written exam and that was the final and “only” measure of a child’s achievement have quite rightly gone the way of the Dodo. Contemporary education and pedagogy allow teachers to understand their student’s learning needs deeply. Consequently, they have multiple sets of Formative (ie. ongoing), Summative (ie. endpoint) and Observational data that allow teachers to make a highly informed judgement of their academic achievement as well as their effort and engagement with learning. Be assured that not only is the report a great representation of point-in-time learning but our skillful helpful adults are stepping off from that point to the next steps in learning for each individual student. On behalf of all of our families, I publicly commend the effort and intellect being put into the reports by our teachers. It is rigorous and at times tedious but of high value to all families and children as a beautiful record of their learning.


Congratulations to Mrs Core and our super-talented Choir singers who performed at a supreme level at the recent New England Sings Concert in Armidale. 31 of our children have been learning the words and rhythms of 8 complicated songs for over 7 months and have joined with close to 20 other schools to perform in a professional and glorious concert at Lazenby Hall at UNE. Words do not do justice to the joyous singing and entertainment that regaled our fortunate audience. Congratulations to everyone who helped out especially Mr Withers and Emma Newberry and of course, the perennially gifted and talented Mrs Core for initiating, practising with and leading such a high-calibre life experience for our children. Well done everyone! 


Until next time.


May God go with you.

Geoff McManus
