Religious Education News
Mrs Cindy Ronzini (REC)
Religious Education News
Mrs Cindy Ronzini (REC)
On Monday, we celebrated our grandparents, with over 125 visitors attending our school. Grandparents attended church for a Prayer Service, followed by a visit in the classrooms with their grandchildren and then they enjoyed a lovely morning tea.
Thank you for coming and joining us. We hope you enjoy your day and know that you are so special in the lives of our students.
Please join us this Sunday for our Parish Mass at 10am, followed by a morning tea in the school hall. The students have been learning a song to perform to you all. We hope to see you there for the last K-2 Mass of the year.
We will be collecting items for the St. Merkorious Charity Christmas Appeal. We are asking students to bring in items on Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd December. Let’s make this special time of year, special for everyone!