Year 3/4
What a great start to Term 4 the students have had getting straight back into their learning. Concert practice is in full swing and the students have really been enjoying learning and practicing their songs and dance moves.
From the beginning of this term students have been reading the classic Australian story 'Storm boy'. We have explored many comprehension strategies including writing summaries, drawing visualisations, writing predictions and inferring actions and characters. This is to support a deep understanding of the text. Students have been very engaged with this text and many have grown to love the characters- especially Mr Percival! ( :'( ) To finish the unit, students watched the film, to compare the differences between the book and movie.
Students have now finished the literacy unit on Storm Boy, and we will be moving onto our next unit of narrative non-fictions, autobiographies and biographies. Students will be exploring many mentor texts before creating their own.
Students have done a wonderful job of unpacking hidden themes and lessons within the text Storm-boy. We have been practising how to transfer these thoughts and conversations into the form of a text response piece of writing. Students have been challenged and we as their teachers, have been amazed to read their wonderful opinions, critical thinking and deep understanding of the text Storm-boy.
View some of the text responses from 3/4 below:
The next unit for students will now be on narrative non-fiction texts and biographies. Students will be further advancing their writing, punctuation and grammar skills to produce more larger writing pieces, on topics of their choice.
This term, students have been learning to identify and name different types of angles. We also used a protractor to measure the degrees within angles. They explored both the inside and outside environment to find and compare angles in the real world. Students have started learning about key features of Grid maps, coordinates and cardinal directions on a Compass in a our mapping unit.
This term , we are completing a unit on Health, focused around healthy food choices and learning about how important physical activity is for our health. So far, we have looked at the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and learnt about the different food groups as well as researched some of the vitamins and minerals that are in different fruits and veggies we eat. We also learnt how to read nutritional labels on foods such as yoghurt and did a taste test to see if we could pick which yoghurt had more sugar in it!
We also enjoyed the warm weather and headed outside to support the P-2 students in their Athletics events.
During the wild weather last Friday, we did PE inside. We did a mixture of pilates, yoga and dancing.