
Welcome back to Term 4! It is exciting to see some sunshine again, hopefully no more crazy weather to come. 


Term 4 is a Sun Smart term, so we must be wearing hats when we are outside. It is also important to make sure we are putting on sunscreen too. We ask that parents send their children to school with sunscreen in their bags.


The students have settled back into school really well and it is amazing to see we have picked up from where we left off last term. We have a busy term planned, including what we are sure you are all loving, concert practice! 



We have been learning about the difference between facts and opinions. Students have been working on identifying each other's opinions and those presented in books. We have been stating our opinions and providing reasons for having them. Students have been great at using the word 'because' to explain their opinions. 


This week students got the chance to come up with reasons why they should be able to get a pet. Apologies if your children are currently trying to convince you to get a dog, cat or even a crocodile! 

In addition to this, we have been learning about the /ck/, /wh/ and /ng/ sounds. Students have been reading and writing words that use these particular spelling choices. We have been working really hard on our fluency when we are reading. Students have been paying attention to their pace, accuracy and expression when reading. 



We have been learning about sharing (division). Students have been sharing objects into equal groups, and understanding the concept of sharing must be fair. We explored leftovers (remainders), knowing that each group needs to be the same, and if we have leftovers, for example, 1 leftover biscuit it might be broken in half, or put back in the packet for next time.



We have been learning about 'always' and 'sometimes' foods. Students have been exploring what the differences are between them. It is amazing to see our lunch boxes with mostly always foods. 



Below are some key dates to keep in mind. 


30/10 - Zoo Excursion 

4/11 -   Student Free Day 

5/11 -   Melbourne Cup

3/12 -   School Concert