Connect: Year 5

 Welcome back to 2025! We have had a tremendous start to the year. The students have settled into our class routine and are doing a great job with meeting our School Wide Positive Behaviour expectations. 



  • Please send your child's library satchel with them to school on Thursdays so they can borrow books to take home. 
  • Term 1 is extremely hot with high UV rays so we require all students to bring hats and drink bottles. 
  • On Tuesday the 11th of February for the scrap booking afternoon, the students in 5A and 5B will be creating a cover for their wellbeing book. It will be a representation of them, including hobbies, interests, family, holidays, celebrations etc. We encourage the students to bring in any pictures, stickers, photos that represent this for their cover. Please remember these need to be flat as they will be laminated

Upcoming events:

11th Of FebruaryMeet the teacher and twilight sports
13th of February Swimming Trials
14th of February Curriculum Day
25th of February District swimming 
10th of MarchLabor Day Public holiday
14th of March House Sports Day
19th of MarchSchool Photos
28th of March District Swimming

Camp: This year our camp will be taking place from the 2nd of June till the 4th of June we are lucky enough to be going to a new camp location this year we will be visiting Forest Edge Camp. Please keep eye out on central for more information in the coming weeks.


Future Learning: 

Reading: Our class novel is Runt; we will be studying this text for term one. students will opportunities to improve their comprehension and expand their vocab, each student has a copy of this novel which is kept at school. 


Writing: In the coming weeks we will be looking at features of Narrative texts and explore sentence level writing. Students will practice using Nouns, adjectives and appositives to enhance their writing. They are learning to summarise a passage using expansion questions (who and what, did and will do, when and where, why and how


Maths: We are learning to identify Factors and multiples using a range of strategies. We are also investigating and collecting Data from a range of sources.


Wellbeing: We will focus on establishing consistent and predictable routines including morning circle, ready to learn scale, school and class expectations.


Inquiry: Our inquiry unit is 'Think Global, Act Local' they will learn about the natural world and how we are changing it and how we can be more sustainable. 


Krystal And Jenny