Connect: Year 2

Welcome to Grade 2! We are very excited for the upcoming Meet the Teacher and Twilight Sports next week (Tuesday 11th February, from 2:30pm-4:30pm) and have a chance to meet you all. Please begin to save stickers/photos to be used to decorate your child's Writer's Notebook cover (please no puffy/raised stickers).

Key Dates:

Tuesday 11th FebruaryMeet the Teacher and Twilight Sports
Friday 14th FebruaryCurriculum Day
Monday 10th MarchLabour Day Public Holiday
Wednesday 19th MarchSchool Photos


- Learning starts promptly in the morning. Please remember to take/remind your child to use the toilet before the 8.45am bell so nothing important is missed. 

- Library days: 2A - Tuesday, 2B - Wednesday, 2C - Wednesday. Please ensure your child's satchel and/or library bag is packed or they will not be able to borrow for home. (The specialist timetable for each class can be seen below.)

- Term 1 - students are required to wear hats during play time. 

- We have started to use Dojo points to reward positive behaviours but will not be using this as a form of communication - please see us in person, email or call for anything you wish to discuss. 

- 2B Families: Miss Eade is out of the classroom on Wednesdays doing her Maths Learning Specialist role. Ms Rachel Costello will be in the 2B classroom each Wednesday and works closely with the Grade 2 team.

Upcoming Learning: 


  • In Phonics we will be looking at multisyllabic words, reviewing past Grade 1 phonics learning and establishing lesson routines and expectations. 
  • In Reading we will be exploring vocabulary within a range of rich literature. 
  • In Writing we will be looking at the different sentence types (commands, exclamations, questions and statements) along with their associated punctuation. Students will use these skills to create descriptive Colour Poems. 


  • We will be revising and expanding students' place value knowledge by creating and drawing a range of two and three-digit numbers. Students will use their growing knowledge of digit value to compare and order these numbers.
  • Students will also create questions and collect data from their classmates and graph their responses.


  • Establishing our consistent and predictable routines.
  • Understanding our Skye PS expected behaviours.
  • Setting up our Ready to Learn scales and plans. 


  • We will be introducing our Term 1 Topic: Growing Older & Wiser. This topic explores the concept of identity and encourages students to take responsible risks and monitor their own thinking.

Semester 1 Specialists:


Have a great next fortnight! 


Dave, Hailee & Emma