Connect: Foundation

Our Preps have had an eventful and fun start to the year. They are learning the routines and expectations of being a student at Skye Primary School.


Key Dates


Monday 10th FebruaryLibrary sessions commence this week
Tuesday 11th FebruaryOpen Afternoon - Meet the Teacher & Twilight Sports
Friday 14th FebruaryCurriculum Day
Monday 10th MarchLabour Day Public Holiday
Wednesday 19th MarchSchool Photos 


At Skye Primary School we are using Little Learners Love Literacy which is a sequential, explicit teaching program. We believe all children can be successful readers, writers and spellers. They just need the right tools, explicit teaching, plenty of practice and your support.  Here is a link to this week's letters. We are learning 'm' and 's' this week and 'f' and 'a' next week.





In Maths we are focusing on patterns. Students will be creating and continuing patterns using fun counters and objects around the school.  Along with patterns, we are focusing on 2D shapes and their qualities. The shapes we will explore are squares, triangles, rectangles and circles.


Our unit this term is ‘In Our Community.’ Students will consider what it means to be a bucket filler. Children will be encouraged to fill their peers’ buckets with kindness and compliments. They will decorate their own paper bucket and be reminded to show  kindness towards others as it contributes to a positive classroom and school community.



The Victorian Government provides a free health, wellbeing and development check for all prep students. Families have been provided with information about the Online School Entrant Health Questionnaire. You can use the provided QR code to log in and complete this questionnaire.



Please remember to send your satchel to school as we will be eventually using them for notices, readers and alphabet cards practice. (Please obtain a separate bag for library)



Please send a named bag with your child on their library day so they can bring a book home to enjoy. Students will be receiving a red material bag from their teacher in the coming weeks which would make a great library bag! 


Library Times:

Prep A, B & C Mondays

Prep D & E Tuesdays



We have noticed there are many children who come to school with laces. If they can't tie their laces, it is recommended they have velcro shoes. Here is a video to assist with learning to tie laces.



Starting formal schooling provides an excellent opportunity to encourage your children to make their own choices and operate independently within the school community. If you are finding you still need to assist your child entering the classroom we encourage you to let your child know you will be saying goodbye to them at the door. Students settle very quickly into the morning routine, however, when the class is crowded with parents it can make the start of your child’s day unsettled. We have been impressed to see so many children walking into the classroom independently. 

Tips: Talk to your child the night before and have a plan eg; one hug, one goodbye and let your child know you will say goodbye at the door. Most importantly, stick to the plan. Please be assured that your child does settle quickly otherwise we would let you know.


Toileting Before School

Please remind your child to use the toilet before school so that their learning is not interrupted in the morning session.


Spare Clothes

With the wet weather upon us, please ensure your child has a change of clothes, including socks, in their bag.