Year 1 and 2

Year 1 Teachers: Hsien Tran (Level Leader), Zara Abrahams, Maddi Fletcher, Chantelle Quinn, Nic Walsh and Fiona Hedstrom

Year 2 Teachers: Sarah Battle (Level Leader), John Hoskin, Nerida Forster, Katia Lumley and Kath Jones

The end of term is fast approaching - only 1 week to go!


The students enjoyed watching the Christmas pantomime last Friday. There were a lot of laughs and students enjoyed taking part in the story of the missing Christmas tree.


Yesterday's Carols on the Lawn was a fantastic success! It sure looked like students, parents and little siblings had a great time singing along to the Christmas carols and many faces lit up when Santa paid the school a visit. Everyone looked very festive in their Christmas outfits - Didn't the Grade 1 students look amazing in their handmade antlers?


Today, the students had their 2025 Transition Day. They got to meet their 2025 teacher and new classmates and spend a day doing a range of 'getting to know you' activities in their new classroom. Your child should have brought home a slip of paper containing information about their new teacher and classroom. If you have not received this, please contact your classroom teacher.


A few reminders -  school will be dismissed at 12:30pm next Friday 20th December. Students commence the new school year on Thursday 30th January 2025.


We all hope you have a safe and restful Christmas and New Year, and enjoy the break.

Upcoming Dates

Tuesday 17th December – Moving Day

Wednesday 18th December – Class Party Day (please read further below for more information about this)

Thursday 19th December – Reports available on Compass

Friday 20th December: Last day of school and final assembly (12:30pm Dismissal)

Term 4 Overview

Grade 1 - English


Week 11: Letter Writing, Christmas activities


Grade 1 - Mathematics

Week 11: Christmas Maths, Graphing and Calendars


Grade 2- English


Week 11- Christmas activities


Grade 2- Mathematics

Week 11-Christmas Activities


Class Parties and Kris Kringle - Wednesday 18th December

Grade 1 & 2 information - please read carefully

For our class parties, we are asking students to bring a plate of food that can be shared with their classmates. As we have students with nut allergies, please bring along a nut free dish. Ingredients can be listed on a piece of paper with the dish or emailed. If you are supplying hot food, we kindly ask that it is delivered to school freshly cooked and hot around the time that the food will be eaten - please check with your class teacher about the time. Students will still need to bring their snacks as we are having our party food for lunch.


For our class party, we will once again be offering students to participate in a Kris Kringle. If you would like your child to participate in the Kris Kringle, then they will need to buy a present for another child. The present could be received by a boy or a girl, so please keep this in mind when purchasing your gift. The present is not to exceed the cost of $5 for Grade 1 and $10 for Grade 2. If you do not wish your child to participate, please inform your child’s teacher. All presents need to be brought to school no later than Monday, 16th of December, please.


Photo gallery

Grade 1s and 2s enjoying the Christmas pantomime last week.

The Grade 2s performing at the VPS Carols