
Director: Meg Arnold

Waratah: Group: Jacqui Zourkas, Megan Lebret, Eliza Wong

Lasiandra Group: Helen Williams, Rhonda Tabe, Canice Searles O'Connor, Jeni O'Kane, Eliza Wong

Banksia Group: Naomi Parkin, Melanie Goldmith, Shannon Stackpoole

Wattle Group: Naomi Parkin, Shannon Stackpoole, Megan Lebret

Lunch Relief: Meg Arnold and Sarah Wilson

Wattle and Banksia End-Of-Year Picnic:


Last Wednesday (4th December). We had our end of year picnic for both the Wattle and Banksia families. It was lovely to get together to celebrate a wonderful year at Kinder. 


Waratah Post Office Visit:


Today, the children in Waratah group went on a visit to the local Post Office to post their letters to Santa!

Over the past couple of weeks, children have been writing their own personal letters including a wish list and message to the North Pole. Children have been learning all about the postal process and letter stamps in preparation for their letter posting today. 


It has been a very exciting few weeks in Waratah as the Christmas excitement begins!


VPSK Farewell Message:


As the end of year approaches, we want to say a very big thank you to all our wonderful Kindergarten families for their continued support across the year. It was been a huge year across all groups with various incursions, local walks and other school community events.


Whether your child will being joining us again next year, moving on to a new adventure or starting school we wish you all the very best for your families new journey!


On behalf of all the VPSK staff- We wish you a very Merry Christmas and an enjoyable yet restful holiday break. 


See you next year!