
Term Dates


Term 1

Wednesday 29th January (no Foundation students) to Friday 4th April


Term 2

Tuesday 22nd April to Friday 4th July


Term 3

Monday 21st July to Friday 19th September


Term 4

Monday 6th October to Friday 19th December

Assembly - Monday 2:55pm

Important Dates   

FEBTue 6thParents & Friends Meeting. Junction Hotel 6:00pm
 Mon 10thFoundation photo for Shepp News. 
 Wed 12th

Welcome BBQ. from 5:00pm.

Xuno form for catering

 Fri 14thCurriculum Day
 Mon 24th

School Council 6:30pm

Finance 6:00pm


Mon 24th to 

Fri 7th March

Parent Teacher Interviews
MARMon 3rdVictoria Police Cyber Safety Session at school
 Mon 10thLabour Day Public Holiday
 Wed 12thFoundation start school on Wednesdays

Wed 12th to

Mon 24th

NAPLAN - Grades 3 & 5
 Thur 27th School Photos
APRFri 4thLast day of Term 1
 Tue 22ndFirst day of Term 2
 Fri 25thAnzac Day Public Holiday 
MAYMon 5thProfessional Practice Day (no students)
 Mon 12thCurriculum Day (Tentative)
JULFri 4thLast day of Term 2
 Mon 21stFirst day of Term 3
AUGWed 20th to Fri 22ndGrade 3/4 Camp to Toolangi
SEPTFri 19thLast day of Term 3
OCTMon 6thFirst day of Term 4
NOVTue 4thMelbourne Cup Public Holiday
 Mon 17th to Fri 21stGrade 5/6 Camp to Canberra
DECFri 19thLast day of Term 4