Principal's Report

I can’t believe that we have almost completed another wonderful school year.
There are so many to thank who make learning at LPS such a positive experience.
2024 Goodbyes and 2025 Welcomes
As the year comes to a close, inevitably there are always some farewells. After 10 years here at LPS Mrs Darwall leaves us to join the teaching staff at Pakenham Springs. Mrs Humphrey leaves us after 6 years and is moving to Mirniyan PS. Miss Coombes leaves us after 18 months to head to Korumburra PS. Mrs Spence is moving to regional Victoria and taking up a PE position at Wodonga PS. We also say goodbye to Lauren and Julian who have been part of our Education Support and have now completed their teaching degrees and start their teacher careers in education – we thank you all for your years of service here at LPS and wish you all the best for the future.
We welcome some new and returning staff. Mr Smith returns after a year of leave and will take up a role in the specialist team. Miss Yates joins us in the Year 2 team, Miss Christie joins us in the Year 3 team and Miss Kambarbakis joins us in the Year 6 team. We also welcome 5 new Education Support staff – Connor, Teagan, Olivia, Karen and Josh.
We say farewell to Sarah Leander our training psychologist and wish her well with the remainder of her studies and welcome Renaldo Wongso as our new training psychologist.
2025 School Captains
This will be announced on Monday at our assembly.
2025 Principal Advisory Group:
So impressed by the depth of candidates, and following on from this year’s success, we will continue with the ‘Principal Advisory Group’. (PAG) This group will be made up of 11 students. They will meet with me twice a term throughout the year to discuss a range of topics and provide feedback to the school leadership team.
Congratulations to the following students: Jordan, Summer, Josie, Evelyn, Emily, Victoria, Mia, Lenny, Logan, Eden and Jett.
All of these students will be recognised and receive badges early in 2025.
School Council
I would like to thank our school council parent members for their work and interest in our school over the past year.
Tracey Mottershead – School Council President
Evie Reynolds
Zlata Lizars
Laura Elton
Nicky Wilson
Natalie Alpine
Laura Elton
Bianca Collins
Natalie Bush
Natasha Spicer
Your time, input and care for our school is much appreciated.
Finish Time for Friday 20th December
1.30pm - There will be an assembly in the undercover area at 1.15 to farewell our Year 6 students. Parents are most welcome to attend.
To all parents who continue to support our school, whether it be in the classroom, on excursions, through PFA, breakfast club, school events, camp etc – we can’t thank you enough.
To all staff and students, thank you for making 2024 another wonderful year at LPS. I look forward to seeing everyone in 2025. Merry Christmas to all!
Teaching Teams for 2025
Christmas Concert Highlights
Mrs Pepper
Acting Principal