Year 1/2 Mainstream
Celebrating Learning
Year 1/2 Mainstream
Celebrating Learning
Integrated- What we have been up to:
Students in 1/2B have loved collecting data to choose a class smoothie, costing the ingredients, measuring them out, blending them and finally sharing the delicious drink. Everyone agreed it was an irreversible mixture and there was no way you could get the frozen banana back out of the smoothie.
1/2A have enjoyed a similar mixture making activity by blending Oreos, ice-cream and milk together to make an Oreo milkshake.
It has been an interesting topic and we hope you continue to make some exciting mixtures with your little ones over the Christmas break.
The last two weeks of term we have been expanding our understanding of money and financial matters. We looked at all the different ways to make a dollar and organised Australian coins and notes into the smallest to largest value. We then worked on open ended questions to support a deeper understanding of our Australian coins and currency. To finish off we all had some fun playing shops. And exchanging pretend money for goods.
We also continued our journey with ‘time’ and looked more closely at the similarities and differences between rulers, clocks and number lines.
Students got to physically act out being the minute hand and hour hand on number lines labelled with the appropriate time measure. Students had to move with a metronome establishing an in time rhythm.
Grade 1/2 students and teachers were so happy and grateful to see so many proud and happy faces at our book launch last week. We appreciate all grown-ups taking time out of their days to support our budding authors. It really meant a lot to have all of our hard work seen and read. Grade 1/2 children have really enjoyed writing this year, as reflected in these statements from the heart:
‘I feel good about writing because it’s fun. The most fun thing to write is everything!’ Hazel, 1/2C
‘Writing is good because we get to sometimes write about dogs. My favourite thing to write about is dogs.’ Billie, 1/2C
‘I like writing all the words and all the letters. My favourite part is publishing.’ Sabi, 1/2B
‘I like writing long stories because I want to get better at writing.’ Casper, 1/2B
‘My favourite part of writing was when we did the book launch.’ Otto, 1/2A
‘Writing is really fun because we get to write about procedures, and that’s my favourite thing.’ Lenny, 1/2A.
What’s to come in the next two weeks:
Christmas and the Summer holidays - YAY!
As we come to the end of Term 4 we have been reflecting on how much all our students have grown and learned. What a great year of achievement it has been.
We wish every family a safe and happy holiday season and look forward to seeing you in the new year.