We need your help!

A reminder, funding of government schools has long been acknowledged as both inadequate and inequitable. Our final Newsletter for 2024 includes a reminder of the launch of a major fundraising drive, our 'GroundBreaking Fundraiser', to support the extensive expenditure the school is making to this project and other built environment maintenance and improvement projects in the pipeline. We need all the financial help our community can provide. Our target is $150,000 by the end of 2025! We have an initial contribution from a family of $1,000 that has got the fundraising ball rolling, and are now at 7% of our target.
How can you help?
- Make a tax-deductible donation to our Building Fund via Trybooking A receipt will be provided for tax purposes. Use the link or QR code below.
Make a tax-deductible donation by bank transfer to the Princes Hill SC Building Fund. Please use this for larger amounts by contacting our Business Manager Trent Adams (trent.adams@education.vic.gov.au). Trent will provide specific details to ensure your donation is recognised and accurately receipted for tax purposes.
Arrange to have a weekend away at one of our two fully furbished getaway houses at our camp for just $150 per night contact Isabel Johnson at johnsoni@phsc.vic.edu.au
Insofar as you are able, make a payment to your child's annual Parent Voluntary Contribution through Compass (we rely heavily on this to provide the level of service our students deserve, and our families expect)
- Participate in our School Council Fundraising committee and in fundraising events (see School Coucnil update in this issue)
As a bonus, any donation over $750 will have the option of staying for 3 nights in 2025 at one of our 'getaway' houses at Mirimbah at no further cost!
Despite the challenges of school funding, I am nonetheless pleased to advise that we anticipate additional works at our Mirimbah Campus to ensure the buildings are protected from ember attack in the event of bushfire. This is part of the implementation of the Department's Shelter in Place measures for sites at significant bushfire risk. Fortunately, in this case, much of the planned bushfire mitigation works will be funded by the VSBA. However, please be aware that other than an annual amount for bushfire readiness/vegetation management, we receive no recurrent funding for our amazing second campus.