Wellbeing Zone

Enter the Wellbeing Zone

Welcome to the Wellbeing Zone. When you enter the zone, you will find a wealth of information about all the things happening in the Wellbeing space at Sunshine Heights PS as well as strategies, articles, book recommendations and events that will help build our dream and culture of Wellbeing throughout our school community, inside and outside of school, so that we can sail together through a universe of possibilities with all the emotional and social skills we need to thrive

Tips for tackling the holiday season.

The holiday season is upon us and although popular culture leads us to believe the holidays are the happiest time of year, for many people it is the hardest. The holidays can be hard for many reasons and it’s different for everyone.


1. Have realistic expectations of yourself and others.

Holidays aren’t a time to address long-term conflict. Try to let go of past negative feelings at least for that one day. It will help get through the holidays and enable everyone to enjoy the time together. Try to have an open mind and remain more relaxed during the celebrations.

2. Pick who you spend time with and talk to.

Do things with people you feel most comfortable with. Going for a long walk with a favourite relative or friend will give you time to be away from any tension or stress that you may be feeling, and allow you to spend time with someone special.

3. Avoid known triggers.

If there’s a particular person you are uncomfortable around, try to sit near someone else who will not cause you stress and worry.

4. Plan fun things to do.

Family members are less likely to get into arguments if they are involved in activities such as board games or a cricket or soccer match in the backyard. Plan for something to do as a group and focus on things you enjoy doing together.

5. Take time out to spend with friends.

Take time out to spend with friends during the holidays as well as family. Allow yourself a break from spending all your time in one place so that you don’t feel overwhelmed or resentful.

6. Set aside time for yourself.

This can be something as simple as going for a short walk, or having a nap. Having some ‘me’ time helps to refocus and relax.

7. Look after your physical health.

Getting enough sleep, keeping up with your regular activity routine, using relaxation techniques, and eating and drinking with moderation will help give you the stamina to get through the demands of the season.

8. Set limits.

Set limits for the amount of time you will spend with family and friends, depending if you are travelling, or they are visiting you. This makes your time together special and more enjoyable.

9. Be grateful.

Be grateful that you have family and friends to share the holidays with. Appreciate the small things that other people do for you and reciprocate with gestures that show your appreciation for them. 

10. Do something positive

If you are alone for the holidays do something positive for yourself. Cook a nice meal that you will enjoy, have a good book or movie to watch, go for a walk and if possible ring someone that you’re not able to be with and catch up by phone or video. Consider volunteering so that you spend time with others and have a welcoming place to go.

Telephone Translation Service

We’re excited to announce our new phone translation services to help non-English speaking and EAL families. If you need translation, you can follow these steps: 

Step 1: Call (03) 7039 9021

Step 2: Choose your language:

  • For Mandarin, press 1
  • For Cantonese, press 2
  • For Vietnamese, press 3
  • For Arabic, press 4
  • For Persian, press 5
  • For all other languages, press 6

Step 3: You will be linked with a translator and connected to the school.



EMAIL - wellbeingandinclusion@sunshineheightsps.vic.edu.au

PHONE - 8311 7100