
Loving God,


We give thanks for the gift of education and the opportunity to learn and grow in the light of your wisdom.  May all Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne recognise that students are created in your image, each uniquely fashioned by your divine hands.


Grant our families, school leaders, parishes and students the strength to face challenges with courage, the preserverance to overcome obstacles and the humility to recognise that true wisdom comes from you.  May our minds be open to truth, our hearts full of mercy and our actionsreflective of the love taught by Jesus Christ.


Lord, as our schools embark on this academic journey, let students flourish not only as learners, but as whole and compassionate individuals.  May the seeds of knowledge planted in their hearts, bear fruits of virtue, wisdom and understanding.


We offer this prayer through Christ our Lord, who is the way, the truth and the light.

