Level 1: Connect

Suzanne Condran (1A), Kylie Clarke (1A Fridays), Robyn Sutton-Hall (1B) and Leon Tremain (1C)

Welcome to the start of the 2025 school year! The Level 1 students have certainly impressed us with their readiness to learn this week. We have enjoyed hearing about their holiday experiences and getting to know all of the students since we have been back. We are looking forward to a productive and fun year ahead. 

We thank you in anticipation of your support this year.




Level 1 Homework

Homework Viewing Instructions:

  1. Click on the green button above, click the box with arrow pointing out, it will open a new window to view, or
  2. Click the far left arrow download button

There will be a homework matrix coming home with your child's new homework book today (copy can be found above).  The expectation is that students will complete 5 activities from the matrix each fortnight as well as daily home reading. Students are able to choose the activities that appeal to them from the matrix. Homework books with your child's completed activities should be returned to their class teacher each Friday fortnight.

More information about homework will be given at our information session next Tuesday.

Thanks for your support with our homework initiative.




Hats must be worn this term! UV has been quite high. No hat means no play in the sunny spots, students will be asked to sit in the shady spot at the front of the school. Students are more than welcome to leave their hats in their bag tubs at school if this helps.

Sunscreen- teachers are unable to provide or apply sunscreen unfortunately. We suggest that you apply sunscreen on at home in the morning, if needed. You can also pack sunscreen in your child's bag and they can apply it before they go outside. 

Meet the teachers information session will be held on Tuesday, 11th of February between 5-5:30pm in the middle space of the Junior Learning Centre. 

We look forward to seeing as many parents there as possible. There will be an opportunity for you to ask questions on the night at the end of the information session.

We encourage students to enjoy a fruit/vegetable snack at 10 am every day. We find this helps the students to stay energised and focussed. 

Jewellery is not permitted at SEPS apart from small stud earrings and non-Smart watches. Please ensure your child does not wear any other form of jewellery to school. Thank you.

Please encourage your child to go to the toilet before school upon arrival. We encourage students to go to the toilet at recess and lunch breaks to avoid them needing to go during class time.

Most importantly, now that students have had a chance to settle in, we ask that parents drop their child off at their classroom door rather than enter the classroom. We find that students tend to settle better if parents say their goodbyes at the door. 

Of course, you are welcome to chat with us before school outside the classroom and after school. Please note, we have scheduled meetings on Mon-Wed after school so we have limited time to meet on those days.

Students are welcome to bring their toys to school but we kindly ask that the toys remain in their school bags during learning time to minimise distraction. 

Learning for the next fortnight:


Literacy :

  • Our spelling focus will be learning about the 'magic e' rule. Magic e at the end of a word makes the vowel before it say its name (long vowel sound). 


  • Hearts words: have, give, live, like.


  • Each week we will introduce a mentor text to the students. Using this text, we allow students many opportunities for writing and reading activities. These may include patterned writing, discovering new vocabulary and text responses. Ask your child about the 'Jessica's Box' book and 'Our Class is a Family' that we have been reading over the past week!



Over the coming weeks we will focus on representing and ordering numbers to 120. This aims to review the learnt concepts of counting and place value covered in Foundation and build upon these skills. We have introduced a range of numeracy games throughout the first week which we will utilise during our our WIN (What I Need) time after recess during our Maths sessions. 



Each week students are immersed into a world of Inquiry. We are starting things off with students developing an understanding of their character strengths and learning to recognise and embrace them. Over the next few weeks, we will be exploring character strengths, personality traits and emotions and how these are unique to each individual.


Level 1 Term 1 Specialist Timetable 


Science 10 am WednesdayScience 2.30 pm ThursdayScience 12.30 pm Thursday

PE 9 am Wednesday


PE 10 am WednesdayPE 2.30 pm Thursday
Chinese 12.30 pm ThursdayChinese 9am WednesdayChinese 10 am Wednesday
Art 2.30 pm ThursdayArt 12.30 pm Thursday

Art 9 am Wednesday


Have a great fortnight and we will see you here, same place, same time in 2 weeks!


All the best for now,

Suzanne, Robyn, Leon and Kylie