Foundation: Connect
Term 1 2025
Foundation: Connect
Term 1 2025
Reminder: Hats for recess and lunch times in Term 1 (it is best for them to stay in the student's locker for the term)
ICT and Consent forms are due today please! (Friday February 7th 2025)
SEPS Family Welcome Picnic - Friday 21st February 2025 4.30PM-6PM
Please make sure hats, jumpers, water bottles and lunch bottles are clearly labelled
A very important note for parents/guardians regarding pick up: Please be aware that students will be dismissed from different classrooms on Friday afternoons (even weeks) from Week 4 as we have Communities on these afternoons. Before this begins, we strongly suggest you establish a meeting point with your child for when this occurs.
Dear Foundation Families,
Welcome to the start of an exciting school year! We are so proud of how well the children have settled into Foundation, particularly given the extreme heat this past week! It’s been wonderful to see their resilience and enthusiasm as they embrace new routines, learning spaces, and the joys of finally being at 'Big School'. Perhaps the most important part of this new chapter is their new community here at SEPS; making new friends, meeting their Grade 5 buddies, and getting to know their teachers are just some of the milestones they’ve already reached. In only six days, they’ve taken many brave steps.
Although it may be easier said than done, we encourage you to keep weekends quiet and restful where possible. Starting school is a big transition, and the children are working hard as they adjust to new routines, friendships, and experiences. Giving them time to recharge helps support their well-being and sets them up for success in the week ahead.
What made you smile this week?
In the classroom, we’ve already delved into the world of numeracy by going on a number hunt around the Junior Learning Centre. The children have been practising writing numbers, focusing on direction and formation, and exploring counting using Unifix cubes.
During our Literacy sessions, we’ve introduced the letters s, a, and t. Each day, the children practise writing these letters on their mini-whiteboards while learning to say the letter name, identify the picture on the card, and recall the letter sound.
Our specialist classes are well underway, and they’ve been a highlight for many students already. Science with Ms Cullen and Wilko (he insists on being called 'Wilko' not Mr Wilko!), Art, Mandarin, and P.E. have brought BIG smiles and lots of excitement to their days.
During Developmental Play, your children have the opportunity to explore, create, and connect through play. Whether it’s building with Mobilo and Lego, shaping with playdough, constructing marble runs, or relaxing with mindfulness colouring—or even just lying down with a cushion—this is a cherished time in our day.
At SEPS, we place great importance on Developmental Play, as it gives students the chance to develop social skills, problem-solving abilities, and creativity in a relaxed and supportive environment. It’s also a wonderful way for them to build confidence and strengthen friendships while learning through play.
It’s been a fantastic start to the year, and we’re so proud of the way your children have embraced this new chapter. We can’t wait to see their continued growth in the weeks ahead as they settle further into school life. Thank you for your ongoing support and for helping make these first days so positive. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or simply want to share something special about your child’s experience.
Warm regards,
Alex, Rhiannon, Megan and Kate
Foundation Team