Principals Report

Dear SEPS Families, 

Welcome to our first newsletter for 2025! 


It has been wonderful catching up with so many of you over the last week and a half. It was great seeing lots of photo opportunities being taken in front of our beautiful signage on the new Year 2 building. So many parents and grandparents have approached me this week to comment on the great ‘vibe’ in the yard and I must agree. The happy faces, calm classrooms and beautiful learning spaces have definitely created a buzz in the air. We know however that buildings and grounds alone do not make for a great school - it is the people and relationships. Having said that, it is lovely to be working and playing in such a beautiful space. We are very lucky. 


Our first assembly this week included our badge ceremony to induct our student leaders into their positions for 2025. We were very lucky to be joined by the Member for Sandringham, Mr Brad Rowswell. Brad spoke to the assembly about leadership and assisted with the badge ceremony. He also gifted us some new flags for our outdoor flag poles, which we cannot wait to fly.  


Other special guests at assembly were Mr & Mrs Walton. After 14 years at SEPS, Mr Walton has decided to retire. While we are pleased that he will now have time to enjoy a workfree life with Mrs Walton, we are sad to be losing our dedicated grounds and maintenance man. We look forward to them both popping in from time to time. 


The School Captains will be running assembly this year. We are on a mission to try and make them short and sweet with a 10 minute target. When we have special presentations they may go slightly longer. All parents and carers are welcome to attend. 


The aim is to privilege time for our whole school Monday morning program which includes a brief assembly, our wellbeing program (The Resilience Project) and Monday Maths Mania. Two hours of English will be taught during the morning block for the rest of the week, apart from when students have their specialist classes. More information on our Teaching & Learning and Wellbeing programs can be found later in this newsletter. 


Next Tuesday, we will be hosting our Meet the Teacher and Information Sessions. We have revised the afternoon to support the individual needs of our families. Some parents would like general information and do not feel a need for a 1:1 meeting while others require the opportunity to share information about their child. We will therefore be offering both options during the afternoon. Should require longer meetings, please discuss the option for a Care Team meeting. These can be scheduled by our Wellbeing Team (Mr Daley and Mrs Ferguson). All information has been sent via Compass. Please contact the office should you require further information. We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday. 


Save the date - Friday 21 Feb! 

We will be bringing back our Welcome Picnic with a twist – Twilight Sports!  An evening of fun will be had with running races, a sausage sizzle and a DJ! We encourage everyone to come in their House colours. Parents, start limbering up for our mums and dads’ races! The picnic will be held out on the oval so fingers crossed for great weather!   


Georgie and I are very pleased to announce that from next Monday we will be using fresh dairy milk in the coffee van. Lite and full cream options will be available. Existing dairy milk alternatives will remain as is (oat, soy etc). Please feel free to pop in and grab a coffee on your way out in the morning.  If you forget to bring your keep-cup we have some spares for you to borrow.  A huge thank you to Georgie for her time and support in providing this treat for us all each morning.    


Have a great fortnight everyone! 



Jane Briffa