Specialist Happenings

Visual Art
Welcome to 2025! We have hit the ground running in the art room. Foundation students have been helping me to create a mini display of images that represent their favourite things, something or someone important to them. This getting to know you stage is a lot of fun for all. I am astonished at the level of creativity on display. I'm very impressed!
Year one are revisiting creating patterns and practicing their cutting skills to start the year. I'm pleased with how much they remember from last year. Year 3 are creating images of pets or their favourite animal with a comical twist of personification. This has been causing some very amusing class discussions when brainstorming ideas.
Year Six have been busy creating a design for a skate deck and communicating with me ideas for artworks or styles they might like to explore this year.
I hope everyone feels that they have had an amazing start to the year.
Thank you to all those who have brought art smocks. Can everyone please ensure that their child has a named smock at school ready for art in week 3. Thank you so much!
Keep creating.
Love, Ms Hemmings and Ms Van Etten.
In Mandarin class, our Grade 3/4 students are having a great time learning how to describe animals! They’ve been discovering ways to talk about an animal’s age, appearance, favourite foods, and personality—all in Chinese. Through fun and interactive activities, the students are expanding their vocabulary and gaining confidence in using descriptive language.
In this activity, each student will be challenged to write a short paragraph in Chinese based on a given animal description. This activity encourages them to put together everything they've learned, and it’s amazing to see their enthusiasm and creativity shine through as they bring these animals to life in a new language! Keep an eye out for some wonderful animal descriptions coming home soon!
You are all amazing!
你们真棒!(Nǐmen zhēn bàng)
Miss. Low
Physical Education
We have begun the year with a focus on Setting the Scene for PE and what that looks like in our lessons. Students have engaged in discussions about class expectations, teacher signals, lining-up procedures, and finding space during activities. We have played many fun games to reinforce these concepts, with crowd favourites including Hula Hoop Rock-Paper-Scissors, Cross the River, and 10-Second Tag. Additionally, our senior students have been exploring teamwork, fair play, and good sportsmanship, focusing on what these qualities look like in PE. Classes have especially enjoyed our Crazy Card Teamwork Game!