Level 5: Connect
5A Nishtha Kapoor, 5B Joshua Miller, 5C Kristy Cullen/Sean Daley
Level 5: Connect
5A Nishtha Kapoor, 5B Joshua Miller, 5C Kristy Cullen/Sean Daley
Homework Viewing Instructions:
Students have begun the year exploring statistics by conducting surveys (asking questions of their classmates to get to know them better), gathering data, and presenting findings through graphs. We've also focussed on place value, representing whole and decimal numbers to three decimal places, plotting them on number lines, and comparing and ordering values. It's been great to see students actively problem-solving and building confidence in math!
During weeks 2 and 3, Level 5 are studying the beautiful book Dry to Dry, written by Pamela Freeman. This is the story of the seasons of Kakadu National Park. We have studied author's purpose and we have been thinking about the fact that this story contains both a narrative story and an informational text about the flora and fauna of the national park. Pamela Freeman uses beautiful vocabulary and figurative language. In week three we will study the way Pamela composes her sentences and use one as a model for our own writing.
In Writing, students learned and practiced the skill of note taking using the two strategies of skimming and scanning. Students have also worked on identifying creative and scientific words from the mentor text 'Dry to Dry'. They practiced using these words by putting them into meaningful sentences. It has been lovely to see every student have a go and dive into their learning with a growth mindset!
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