Level 4: Connect

Welcome to Level 4 2025
We wish to welcome you all to the Level 4 Newsletter for 2025. We have had a wonderful first week and a bit with our students as we settle back into the routines (and reality!) of being back at school. The Level 4 Team have been super impressed with the students efforts to be responsible, caring and respectful as we discuss and share our values and expectations as a cohort. A special shout out to our courageous students who presented to the group for our SRC representatives for 2025. The successful boy and girl students will be announced at an upcoming assembly.
Please check our newsletter each fortnight regarding reminders and upcoming important diary dates and homework activities. We are looking forward to a wonderful year ahead!
Kind Regards,
Lisa Fennessy & Isabella Nocera 4A
Tilly Van & Marc Restaino 4B
Michelle Stainforth 4C
General Reminders
- Students are required to bring their hat everyday
- Students are required to bring diaries every day - these are our direct form of communication, alternatively you can email you child's teacher through the office.
-Please return signed permissions as soon as possible
- When laptop use commences, students must bring their charged laptops to school everyday
Diary Dates
-Parent Information Night Tuesday 11th February 5:30-6pm. Location in 4C Classroom, downstairs next to the colour playground
-District Swimming Tryouts at GSAC Thursday 13th February for participating students only. Assemble outside Senior Learning Centre at 8:45am
-Family Welcome Picnic Friday 21st February 4:30pm
- Info about parent night
- Maths (Michelle)
- Literacy (Michelle) o
The unit focus for Inquiry Term 1 is looking at Personal, Community and Social Health. Throughout the term, the Level 4 students will be exploring the different layers of health, and how we can implement strategies to support our social, emotional and mental health.
During the unit, we will look at the impact that our community and social interactions have on our health, and how personalised habits and behaviours influence our state of health. To put our learning to practice, students will be involved in tasks that require them to draw on their own experiences and strategies of supporting their own health.