Level 3: Connect

Claire Parsons 3A, Sarah Peters and Jess Steel 3B, Jenny Dare 3C

Homework Viewing Instructions:

  1. Click on the Green button, click the Box with arrow pointing out, it will open a new window to view, or
  2. Click the far left arrow download button


Welcome to Level 3 2025!

All the students have had a wonderful first 2 weeks and have settled well into routines and new learning. This week we were very excited to recieve our laptops and we have students wanting to learn all about PowerPoints tomorrow! The first goal with our laptops is to hold them safely and keep them on tables or in their cases on the shelf. We have had a big discussion about how our laptop is for learning and not for downloading games and moving backgrounds. We are trying not to burst the excitement bubble but we are encouraging them to take it slowly and use them resonsibly. 


In Literacy we have been practising syllables and the Schwa sound. The below video has been a hit with the students. We have been learning about 'schema' and how we use it every day. We have been getting to know each other and build up class routines.

In Maths we have been collecting data and creating bar graphs. We have discussed the data and noticed important information about our classes. We have learnt about our brain and how it is good to go slowly and deeply when learning. It is also import we make mistakes so our brain can make new pathways for learning. The students found the below video very interesting and wanted to watch it a second time.