21st Century
Learning Space
21st Century
Learning Space
Welcome back to another wonderful year of reading!
We have had a great start to the school year with many classes visiting the 21st Century Learning Space to have a look for books that interest them. I’ve had lots of requests for the most popular series titles, various nonfiction titles, some comics and magazines and even several requests for poetry books. Many students are selecting books that they have never tried before which is wonderful to see. I look forward to assisting our students to continue to improve their enjoyment of reading.
Thank you to all the students who have located their lost or missing library books over the holidays and have returned items to school. It is never too late to return them! If any student has outstanding loans please write a quick note or come and see me as soon as possible. Student overdue lists were given to teachers this week.
Please also have a look at home for any other resources borrowed from classroom libraries including year level readers. All school resources can be placed in the ‘Book Returns’ trolley in the 21st Century Learning Space – thank you.
Library bags …..
Over the years I’ve found it easier for students to keep their library books in a named library bag so that they are easily located and regularly returned to school. I have a few spare library bags if anyone would like one please come and see me.
Thank you very much to the Wigg family who kindly donated several bags of books to the library last week. I’m sure they will be greatly appreciated by everyone as we start the year on our 2025 reading journeys.
Welcome back to Scholastic book club! Every student in the school should have received a copy of Scholastic Australia’s Bookclub brochure Issue 1. There are eight scholastic book clubs per year (two per term). Every dollar spent entitles the school to earn “Scholastic Reading Rewards” which are then redeemed to obtain books and resources for the school. Book Club orders are due by Monday 10th February, 2025.
Please direct all Scholastic Bookclub and any book or library related enquires to me during the following hours:
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 8.30 – 3.30pm;
Thursday and Friday 1.30 - 3.30pm
or email: www.rowville.ps@education.vic.gov.au
Jackie Hicks
21st Century Learning Space Manager