From the 

Assistant Principal

Dear Parents / Carers, 


It has been a fabulous start to learning. Our teachers planned together at the conclusion of 2024 and came in during the January break to organise their classroom environments. On our first Curriculum Day, our principal led us through a workshop where we were inspired to work together in way that achieves our mission.

I undertook some research throughout the school to hear how our learners have started the year. 

This year is great! Our class is so kind to each other, and if anyone needs help, we help them out. I’m excited for Kitchen and to teach my friends what I know about taking care of the environment. Titan  4B 



We have been looking at different picture story books and non-fiction books that we are excited to read. I have filled my book box with books I really want to read and I have been enjoying reading them. This year is exciting because we get to do Kitchen for the first time. I made yummy                                      mini pizzas!  Billie 3C 


This year is full of new things. We have started senior sport which has been amazing. Everyone has shown great sportsmanship and we can all work together as a whole year level. It’s hard to believe we are already in the Senior School. I am really grateful to be a minister for STEM and I am                                  looking forward to being a positive leader this year. Liam 5B


Our How the World Works investigation is so interesting! We are exploring objects from the past and seeing how things have changed or stayed the same. I am excited to learn about changes in my world, and I really like sharing my thinking with my class. Our class is amazing                                                because we are learning so many new things!  Zara 2A 



Kind regards,


Shae White

Assistant Principal