From the
Assistant Principal
From the
Assistant Principal
Dear Parents / Carers,
It has been wonderful to see our students excited to be back at school and ready for the new experiences and challenges that come with a new school year. Our students have been connecting and interacting with established friends and started making new friendships in their 2025 classroom and year level.
We know that when students feel a sense of belonging at school, they can develop trusting and caring relationships and engage positively with the learning in their school environment. A sense of belonging at school support students to feel connected to their peers, teachers and school community. Research shows feeling like you belong at school is linked to higher levels of student emotional and physical wellbeing and increased school engagement and achievement. We also know that when parents work in partnership with the school it leads to greater engagement in school life.
Rowville Primary School provides students with a range of opportunities to build their social, emotional and academic skills. We support and strengthen our students’ wellbeing and sense of belonging through several ways:
Our classroom environments are spaces that support student agency and active engagement with a sense of purpose, well organised with visible daily schedules and teaching strategies that support collaboration and deep learning such as learning circles as an inclusive lesson delivery mode.
Our physical environment offers students multiple outlets to be creative, imaginative, interactive and active during our break times. Our sensory playground and Italian village are examples of inclusive and engaging play spaces for students of all ages.
Our extensive specialist program provides students with a range of experiences that complement the teaching of Literacy and Numeracy skills. This includes performing arts; visual art; physical education; Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Program; garden/environment; Italian; and STEM.
Our lunchtime clubs provide support for students who may struggle with lack of structure in the playground or prefer a quiet, less overwhelming space. It creates opportunities for students to develop relationships across year levels, increases social and emotional skills and a sense of safety. Next week, our cooking club, garden club, art club and performing arts club will begin as well as our 21st century learning space lunchtime program which includes coding club.
Kind regards,
Tiffany Bamford
Assistant Principal