From the Head of College

Mr Michael Newman

Listening to the Community

There is much positivity in the Catholic Church with Pope Francis at the helm. He is aware of the decline in church attendance worldwide and is in turn, listening, addressing the hierarchy, and enabling the views of the groundswell community of the Church to be heard. To do this in a practical sense, Pope Francis has called for a synod at the Vatican. The Synod on Synodality is set to launch the first of two assemblies on October 4th. The global meetings, to be held from the 4th – 29th October 2023 in Rome, are the culmination of two years of preparation. At its conclusion, a synthesis report will be read and approved at St Peter’s Basilica on Sunday 29th October, marking the conclusion of the synod. Some 464 people will take part in the synod.


On this synodality, Pope Francis has said many things over the past years which give meaning, purpose and focus to these assemblies. I include a few for your reading:


“…..this may seem excessively technical, of little interest to the general public, but it is something truly important for the Church.”


“Walk together. Question together. Take responsibility together for community discernment, which for us is prayer, as the first Apostles did: This is synodality, which we would like to make a daily habit in all its expressions,” he added.


“There is no place for ideology in the synod. It’s another dynamic. The synod is dialogue between baptised people in the name of the Church, on the life of the Church, on dialogue with the world, on the problems that affect humanity today. But when you think along an ideological path, the synod ends.”


“Precisely at this time, when there is much talk and little listening, and when the sense of the common good is in danger of weakening, the Church as a whole has embarked on a journey to rediscover the word (Synod) together,” he said to media representatives on August 26th 2023.


“Synodality, as a constitutive element of the Church, offers us the most appropriate interpretive framework for understanding the hierarchical ministry itself. If we understand, as St. John Chrysostom says, that ‘Church and Synod are synonymous,’ inasmuch as the Church is nothing other than the ‘journeying together’ of God’s flock along the paths of history towards the encounter with Christ the Lord, then we understand too that, within the Church, no one can be ‘raised up’ higher than others. On the contrary, in the Church, it is necessary that each person ‘lower’ himself or herself, so as to serve our brothers and sisters along the way.”


 “Synodality is not a chapter in an ecclesiology textbook, much less a fad or a slogan to be bandied about in our meetings. Synodality is an expression of the Church’s nature, her form, style, and mission.”


“The world in which we live, and which we are called to love and serve, even with its contradictions, demands that the Church strengthen cooperation in all areas of her mission. It is precisely this path of synodality which God expects of the Church of the third millennium,” Pope Francis stated.


The Marist College Ashgrove Vision Statement says, “We equip our boys to be good Christians inspired by St Marcellin Champagnat’s vision to make Jesus known and loved.” The Catholic Church, in times ahead, will be in their hands to continue to nurture, grow and enable this vision to come to fruition. We pray that this synod is a game-changer in the Church as it attempts to listen to the community of God within the Church in a most humble and open manner. 


May God’s blessing be upon this synod and our young men of Marist who are part of the community of the Church into the future. Amen. 

Term 4

A warm welcome back to the College. I trust that all boys feel refreshed and ready to resume an important and busy Term 4. Although disappointing, we had the anticipation and then excitement of celebrating our Brisbane runners up - the Brisbane Lions and Broncos and cheering on our Old Boys who participated – Charlie Cameron (2011) and Billy Walters (2011). 


All boys are due back at the College on Wednesday 4th October for classes to resume immediately. Major events for this term include: Parent-teacher Interviews, Awards Night, Year 12 ATAR external examinations, graduation events (Year 12 and Year 6), examinations and end of year reports, Mother’s Christmas Lunch, Year 11 social, Year 11 parent function, Head of College tour, academic interviews, AIC track and field, water polo, E-sports and touch football, Christmas and Year 5 concert, and Christmas liturgy. 

Enjoy, in what promises to be another exciting term together. 

2023 Awards Night

All boys and parents are welcome to attend the 2023 Awards Night, one of the major highlights of out calendar year. To be held at the Queensland Performing Arts Centre on Monday, October 9th, the awards will commence at 6.30pm (sharp) and will conclude at 8.45pm (2 hours and 15 minutes). This will be another most entertaining night where we will enjoy our boys performing in this wonderful venue and also, we will have the opportunity to congratulate the achievements and successes of our boys in all areas of their education – academic, spiritual, leadership, sport and the arts. To book a ticket, please go to We look forward to our Annual Awards Night next Monday at QPAC.

Year 12 Final Studies

My best wishes are extended to the Year 12 boys who are now completing their final studies, masterclasses and preparation for the external ATAR examinations to be held from Monday 23rd October.  Boys not completing an ATAR will be undertaking either a skills masterclass to be held from Weeks 1 to 3, or work experience or completing their school-based apprenticeships full-time. Teachers are available to assist the boys with their subject-specific studies right up to their actual external examinations. Good luck and prayers are on the way gentlemen, as you prepare for these important exams. 

Ordination Holiday

During the Assumption Mass (August 15th) we welcomed back to the College our newly ordained Old Boy – Fr Isaac Falzon. You may have heard from your son about his individual story and our College Captain, Joseph Lewis, presenting him with a College blazer at the end of the Mass. A tradition given to a returning Old Boy who says his first Mass at his alma mater, is to declare a day of holiday from school. Fr Isaac did this, much to student and staff delight. After consultation with the Executive Leadership Team, we have decided to honour this extra day off on Friday 24th November. This means that Thursday 23rd November will now be the final Day of the college year for students and Tuesday 28th November for staff. Calendar plans for the final week of term will now be moved a day forward (e.g., Primary Graduation – Thursday 23rd November – more details will follow). I appreciate all parents support in honouring this extra day of holidays and we continue to pray for Fr Isaac Falzon in his ministry, our newly ordained Old Boy.

Marist Mother’s Retreat

All mothers are invited to the 2023 Mother’s Retreat to be held at the Marist Centre on Sunday 15th of October.  Past Headmaster of the College, Br Robert O’Connor will be facilitating this retreat. This will be a wonderful opportunity for mums to get together to relax, to reflect and to discuss their own spiritual journey with the brothers present.  This will be a lovely occasion and I highly recommend this opportunity to all mothers. If you are interested in attending please register via the link below.

World Teacher’s Day 2023

Marist College Ashgrove is blessed with an array of skilled and professional teachers. They honestly ply their trade every day, ensuring that your son can achieve his best in all areas of his education. Our teachers are generous, hard-working and display talent and proficiency. This Thursday 5th October, we recognise all our teachers on World Teacher’s Day. Do feel free to drop them an email of thanks for all they do ( We will be celebrating as a college with a special morning tea. Thank you, teachers!

AIC Track and Field Championships

Best wishes to all our athletes as they participate in the 2023 AIC Track and Field Championships at QSAC on Thursday and Friday 5-6th October this week. The boys have been training consistently over Term 3 and the holidays and are looking forward to these Championships. My thanks are extended to their skillful, professional and generous coaches led by Mr Richard Graham and Mr Robin Martin.  The Year 10 and 7 boys will be representing the College by supporting the athletes at these Championships on Friday. Good luck, Marist Athletes! 

Marist Old Boys Retreat Day

On Saturday 14 October, all Old Boys are invited to a retreat with Br Neville Solomon, past Headmaster of the College. This retreat will be a great opportunity for Old Boys to get together to enjoy each other’s company and to reflect on their own spiritual journey. The day will include a lunch together and some social time. This should be a great occasion to get together with Brother Neville. To register for this retreat please click the link below.

Parent Network Meeting for Boarders

Next Wednesday, 11th October, all boarding parents are welcome to join us online for the boarders’ parent network meeting. Chaired by Susan Shay (Parent) and our Head of Boarding, Mr Jim Noble, I am happy to be joining our boarding parents for their listed agenda items and questions about boarding and opportunities pertaining to their sons. This is a very valuable meeting for boarding parents and one where they can really stay in touch with the happening around Marist, coming events and opportunities for their sons and to be listened to regarding their concerns. Being so far away from their son’s education, boarding parents have the opportunity to be listened to which is invaluable. We look forward to this networking meeting together. Boarding parents will be sent a link to join the meeting.


May our loving God with Mary our good mother and St Marcellin Champagnat walk with all members of the Marist College Ashgrove Family.

Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
2024 College Captain Announcement
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2024 College Captain Announcement
2024 College Captain Announcement
2024 College Captain Announcement
College Assembly
College Assembly
College Assembly
College Assembly
College Assembly
College Assembly
St Teresa Immersion
St Teresa Immersion
St Teresa Immersion
St Teresa Immersion
St Teresa Immersion
St Teresa Immersion
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
2024 College Captain Announcement
2024 College Captain Announcement
2024 College Captain Announcement
2024 College Captain Announcement
2024 College Captain Announcement
College Assembly
College Assembly
College Assembly
College Assembly
College Assembly
College Assembly
St Teresa Immersion
St Teresa Immersion
St Teresa Immersion
St Teresa Immersion
St Teresa Immersion
St Teresa Immersion

Upcoming Events

Tuesday 3 October

  • Student Free Day
  • Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews (In Person)
  • Uniform Shop Open

Wednesday 4 October

  • First Day of Term 4 (Summer Uniform)
  • Mass in Chapel - All Welcome
  • Year 9 and 10 Game Changers Meeting - Room 801
  • Co-Curricular Photos - Track and Field, Catch-ups - 1st Team Captains, Open Cross Country, 1st V Basketball

Thursday 5 October

  • World Teacher’s Day 2023
  • AIC Track and Field Championships
  • Formula Track Day Scrutineering
  • SVdP Sausage Sizzle – Main Yard
  • Study Hall – Senior Library
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Computer Lab
  • Primary Morning Assembly
  • Year 7 and 8 Game Changers Meeting - Room 801
  • Vinnies Meeting - Room 801

Friday 6 October

  • AIC Track and Field Championships - Years 7 and 10 attending
  • Formula Student Track Day Excursion
  • Construction Immersion
  • Stationery Aid - Mission Office

Saturday 7 October

  • Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

Sunday 8 October

  • Student Leadership Day - Marist Centre
  • Boarders’ Mass - Chapel - 6.00pm 

Monday 9 October

  • Year 10 Cert II Outdoor Rec Camp - starts
  • Ignatius Chess Competition - starts
  • Marist College Ashgrove Awards Night

Tuesday 10 October

  • Study Hall - Senior Library
  • Primary Morning Study - Primary Computer Lab
  • Reconciliation - Chapel (Fr Alatini Kolofo’ou)
  • House Meetings Years 5-12
  • Lunchtime Concert
  • Year 11 and 12 Game Changers Meeting - Room 801
  • FareShare Excursion

Wednesday 11 October

  • Marist Card and Games Day
  • GreenAsh
  • Mass in Chapel – All Welcome
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Computer Lab
  • Year 9 and 10 Game Changers Meeting - Room 801
  • College Assembly
  • Boarder Parent Network Meeting
  • AUSLAN Course

Thursday 12 October

  • Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews (Online)
  • GreenAsh
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Computer Lab
  • SVdP Sausage Sizzle – Main Yard
  • Study Hall – Senior Library
  • Primary Morning Assembly
  • Pastoral Group Paper Recycling
  • Environment Group Meeting – Room 206
  • Year 7 and 8 Game Changers Meeting - Room 801
  • Vinnies Meeting - Room 801

Friday 13 October

  • Digital Solutions UQ-QUT Excursion
  • Student Aid (Mission Office)
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Computer Lab
  • Year 11 Sport and Recreation Excursion to Red Hill Bowls Club
  • Term 2 and 3 First Teams Sports Dinner (Queensland Cricketers Club)
  • P&F Volunteer Thank You Evening

Saturday 14 October

  • 2023 Marist Old Boys Retreat Day

Sunday 15 October

  • 2023 Marist Mother’s Retreat
  • Boarders’ Mass - Chapel - 6.00pm