Just A Thought:

The Key To Productivity:
The key to productivity is doing more of what matters and less of what doesn't. When you concentrate your mental and physical energy in one direction, you have the most impact.
One way to reduce the surface area of your attention is to ask yourself the difficult question of whether what you are doing really matters to the outcome you want. If you are ruthless, you can eliminate 20-40% of what you are doing today without impacting the most important things.
All the time you spend on the least important things comes at the expense of the most important things.
Asking the question is easier than answering it honestly. Admitting you're doing something that doesn't matter means you've been wasting your time. It's much easier to keep doing what we've been doing and tell ourselves that if we just had one more productivity hack, we'd make more progress.
Being busy and being productive are not the same thing. Running around in circles is busy. Going toward your destination is productive. It's easy to be busy. It's hard to be productive.
The real "work" of productivity is less about improving efficiency and more about improving effectiveness.
Being productive is not about doing more; it's about concentrating all your energy on the few things that matter.
The Physics of Relationships: Going Positive and Going First
While Newton’s third law was developed with physics in mind, it applies equally well to biology. When pushed on, we push back. The harder we push others, the harder they push back. How well we align with this simple principle of mirrored reciprocation determines whether our outcomes are good or bad.