Student Support & Enrichment

Did you know that problems with vision and hearing can translate into problems with learning and language development, especially for young children. This is why the Student Support team at Mount Carmel College recommend your child have their vision and hearing checked if there are any concerns about learning or development.
The Tasmanian Health Service suggests that a child with hearing loss may:
- Appear inattentive.
- Have difficulty hearing if there is background noise or locating the source of the sound.
- Often make speech errors.
- Have delayed language development.
- Speak too loudly or too softly.
- Need to have sentences/instructions repeated or misunderstand what is said.
- Turn up the TV.
- Respond inconsistently.
- Not understand soft speech or respond when called from a distance.
- Tend to become withdrawn and quiet in group situations.
If you have any concerns about your child's hearing, please see your GP.
Vision recommends that you take your child to see an optometrist before they start school and every 2 years after that. It’s also a good idea to take your child to an optometrist if you have a family history of poor vision or notice any of the following:
- Has eye problems like frequent blinking or squinting.
- Complains of headaches or eye discomfort like blurry vision or watery, itchy, burning eyes.
- Seems to be sensitive to light.
- Is rubbing their eyes more than usual.
- Has trouble reading or loses the place while reading.
- Has trouble concentrating or staying ‘on task’.
- Has literacy difficulties.
- Avoids activities that need close vision like reading or homework, or those that need distance vision like sport.
- Holds books very close to their eyes or sits very close to the TV.
- Tilts their head noticeably to one side.
Most optometrists in Tasmania offer free/bulk billed eye tests for children up to the age of 16.
Emily Coleman
Enrichment News
Term 3 has provided a wealth of enrichment and extension opportunities for students from the Early Years through to Year 10. There have been a large number of competitions on offer including ICAS, AMC (Australian Maths Competition), debating, My Place Competition, TOM's (Tournament of Minds) and MAT (Mathematical Association of Tasmania) Relay.
The annual Mount Carmel Arts Festival provided an opportunity for those with artistic talents to showcase their work and ability.
The regular enrichment programs run by the Department of Education and One Day school continued to provide students to be self-directed learners utilising their creative and critical thinking skills.
We commend all students on their hard work and endeavours this term and look forward to providing more exciting opportunities next term.
Michelle Wall