Literacy News

Nicola Smith

The Writing Revolution: Our Approach to Teaching Writing


The Writing Revolution is a comprehensive and systematic approach to teaching writing that is effective in improving students' writing skills at all ages and year levels. This method is grounded in significant research and the Science of Learning principles. It is based on the notion that all students can learn to write well, given explicit instruction, specific writing structures and content that is embedded within the curriculum.


The Writing Revolution Method begins with a focus on sentence-level skills, including sentence types, structures, grammar, usage and mechanics. Students are taught to construct clear, concise and interesting sentences. Once students have mastered sentence-level skills, they move on to composition-level skills, which includes organising their thoughts, developing their ideas and supporting their arguments. 

As a result, The Writing Revolution brings about rigorous, consistent and explicit structures to the writing process, ensuring that all students can be successful and effective writers. 


This year, the College has begun to adopt The Writing Revolution methodology within our teaching practices and classrooms. Students are becoming more familiar with the principles, structures and rigorous nature of the writing process throughout all subjects. Students are experimenting with specific strategies within their writing to be effective, interesting and structured writers. As we continue to implement The Writing Revolution methodology within our College, we aim to significantly improve our students’ writing skills, reading comprehension and critical thinking abilities, across all subjects and all year levels.