How We Organise Ourselves

...and in the process organise a Working Bee

Under the Primary Years Programme transdisciplinary theme of How We Organise Ourselves, our children self selected into groups to consider ways to make improvements at Arlington. All year we have been meeting in our smaller multi-age groups to devise plans, and then take these ideas to our Whole School Meetings for consideration, debate, and to see if these ideas will be voted up by all of the children of Arlington.


On Wednesday we rolled up our collective sleeves, donned our sensible shoes (Cressida!) and got to work on all of those ideas that had been ratified by our community. 


The plans are ambitious, and many are not yet complete, but we certainly made a dint in a number of projects, and were treated to a terrific brunch by our Cooking Committee. The following photos are from the Working Bee Day. We were very fortunate that we had finished before the hail came down.

  • Building Cubby Signage and tool storage for Hut Alley.
  • Building  a Biological Filter and installing the Fish Pond with, not one but, two waterfalls.
  • Repainting our Library door with a fabulous design - the Preshil Eagle of old.
  • Outfitting our PE Shed and stocktaking equipment so no one need be disappointed by a flat basketball.
  • Sorting our board games and indoor games for those rainy days.


  • Planning and advertising for the End of Year Disco (Friday, 24 November from 5.00pm), and a wildlife fundraiser.
  • Completing our sustainability signage. 
  • Cooking up a Brunch for all the hard workers.