Careers & Pathways

Early Offers
A big congratulations goes out to all our year 12 students that have received an early offer for university. This is a massive achievement and relieves so much pressure entering into exams. Here is a profile of three of our students that have an offer:
Student Name: Layne
Career Aspiration: To be a Professor in Marine Science or become Marine Science Researcher and work internationally.
Planned University and Course: James Cook University in Townsville - Bachelor of Marine Science
Early Offer Type Offered: Early Offer to Study at James Cook – Offer given in June
Process for Applying for Early Offer: Researched into different campuses and course outline. Applied with an application form with the assistance of our Careers and Pathways Advisor
Benefits for having an Early Offer: The reassurance of having a place in the university and having a sense of hope and drive to get into the course. The closure of having being recognised by the university. Can plan ahead for accommodation and how to live interstate and navigate uni life independently
Student Name: Navdeep
Career Aspiration: To become a nurse, specialising paediatrics.
Planned University and Course: La Trobe, Bachelor of Nursing
Early Offer Type Offered: Aspire Community Contribution
Process for Applying for Early Offer: Apply for leadership roles within school. Answered two questions about what I had done and the impact that had.
Benefits for having an Early Offer: Takes the stress and pressure off for exams. It’s helpful to know the ATAR has been reduced. Plus you receive study notes from ATAR+ which usually cost money. Comfort of knowing where you are going next year.
Student Name: Hanan
Career Aspiration: To work in Community Law
Planned University and Course: La Trobe University, Bachelor of Arts
Early Offer Type Offered: Aspire Community Contribution
Process for Applying for Early Offer: Answered a couple of questions regarding community work I have done and get a reference from a youth officer I worked with.
Benefits for having an Early Offer: It has taken so much stress off for exams and knowing where to next. There are also scholarships I am eligible for now that I am part of the program. There is a lower ATAR requirement called the Aspire ATAR.
Real Industry Job Interviews
Year 10 Excursion - 31st October - Free
Real Industry Job Interviews is a program designed to give young people experience in preparing and experiencing a real interview situation. It aims to improve their employment application skills and interviewing techniques. Prior to the excursion, students will prepare an application letter, a current resume, and responses to a Key Selection Criteria. These documents are submitted to the events team at the Hume Whittlesea Local Learning and Employment Network who are responsible for passing them on to a range of volunteers from the Industry and Community sectors for review and comment. On the day of the excursion students will be interviewed by one of these volunteers. The interviewers will provide verbal feedback to the students at the interview. Interviewers will provide written feedback on proformas provided and which are submitted to the HWLLEN Team who then shares with the school.
Year 10 Work Experience Week
Year 10's will be doing a week of work experience as their last week of school. This will be the 4th-8th of December. More information will come out soon for this. All students attending work experience must return a fully signed Work Experience Arrangement Form prior to commencement.
Prepared by Leading Teacher for Careers and Pathways, Liam Ward