Senior School Update

Year 10

Health Day

On Wednesday 11th October the year 10 students took part in the Love Bites program which included interactive and engaging sessions focused on the development of respectful relationships for young people. The program aims to provide a safe environment in which young people can discuss and learn about their rights and responsibilities in relationships and look at ways to access support when needed. During the sessions, the year 10s were introduced to several services in the community and encouraged to support their friends by utilising safe, healthy and proactive strategies.



Year 9 vs Year 10 Soccer 

During week 9 of Term 3 a soccer match was held between the Year 9s and Year 10s on the school soccer pitch. This was a fantastic event which drew a massive crowd of students who came to watch and enjoy the game. The year 10s walked away winners on the day, but soccer and the students of Edgars Creek Secondary College were the real winners.




During week 8 the year 10s will have their final exams for 2023. These exams will be on English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Health. Students will be required to attend school in their full summer uniform which does NOT include sports uniform. More information on these exams will be released closer to the date.


Year 11 step up

For the final week of Term the year 10s will be participating in year 11 step up! This is an important 3 days for our future VCE and VM students as they receive essential learning, homework tasks and information that will be critical for setting our learners up for success in 2024. It is highly important that all students are present for these 3 days.


Year 11

Leadership team - Term 4 update

Unit 2 has been a busy, yet productive time for the year 11 cohort. As we progress into term 4 we have multiple exciting, yet vital dates that will help prepare the year 11's as they progress into year 12 in 2024. These include:

  • Engagement lunch time activities
  • Year 11 exams
  • Year 12 step up

It is vital that as we progress into this busy time, that the year 11 cohort use the skills and routines that they have developed throughout this year. These include: setting up a study space, writing a study timetables and seeking feedback from their teachers. If your child is feeling stressed or overwhelmed it is vital that they still maintain a positive school/ recreation activity balance and seek support form the wellbeing or year 11 leadership team.


Important dates for term 4

- VET finishing date

     - ONTTC - Tuesday 24/10/23 (catch up week)

     - Peter Lalor - Wednesday 25/10/23, Friday, 27/10/23

- Exams: Week 7, 14th - 17th November

- Step up:Week 8, 20th - 24th November

- Year 11 last day of term 4: Week 8, 24th November


Elevate education - Ace your exams

On Friday 13th October, the students attended an 'Ace Your Exams' incursion held by Elevate education. In this session, current university students worked in small groups to teach the year 11 VCE students the tips and strategies to revise, prepare and then 'ace their exams'. It was great to hear and observe that all students in attendance displayed the college values and took full advantage of the opportunities presented to them. 


VET student spotlight

Zainalabendin Al Khafaji - Cert II Engineering

This year in VET I have had the opportunity to make and design multiple tools and projects including making a hammer, tool box, set square, nail punch and phone holder. Throughout each task I have been able to learn and use multiple machines including a sheet metal bending machine, arch welder, a metal lave. I would recommend VET to other students because it is fun, hands on, and we have time to learn practical skills that will help my future.

Term 4 award winners

Well done to the following award winners. Each subject teacher has nominated a student in their class that has embraced learning and shown high levels of academic excellence. 

Year 12 

Graduation Ceremony


On Thursday 19 October, our Year 12 students who had successfully completed their VCE and VCE-VM programs were awarded the Edgars Creek Secondary College Graduation Certificate. This was a special evening, attended by over 450 people. The formal ceremony saw our students accept their certificates and awards while their families proudly watched on. Afterwards, students, teachers, families and the ECSC community came together to celebrate the achievements of our students.


Students who had received the highest school assessed scores in each subject were presented with subjects awards, as were those students who have embodied our values through their learning in each subject.


Congratulations to all of our Year 12 students who have graduation Edgars Creek Secondary College!


Celebration Day

The morning of Thursday 19th October saw our Year 12 students celebrate the end of the formal Year 12 classes. The dress up theme was Hollywood Glamour, which gave our students the opportunity to become their favourite movie characters. After spending some time together outside, the cohort played their last ever game of dodgeball together before moving to the theatre to watch a slide show of memories from Year 7 to Year 12. Our Year 12 teachers then joined their students for a morning tea, catered by our Food Tech teachers and Year 10 & 11 students. Finally, our Year 12 students left the College by walking through a guard of honour formed by our Year 7 students.


We are extremely proud of the way our students conducted themselves during Celebration Morning. They respected each other and appreciated the significance of the completion of thirteen years of schooling. 


VCAA Exams


Several of our students have already begun their VCAA External Exams by completing oral, aural and written language exams. However, Tuesday 24 October is the day that has been in our Year 12 calendar for some time as that is the date of the English exam. On the morning of the English exam, our Wellbeing Team will be providing breakfast for our students sitting the exam from 8am.


We wish all of our students the very best in their exams. They have completed numerous practice exams in preparation and will be eagerly awaiting their results and notification of their tertiary offers that will follow.


VCE-VM Portfolio Presentations


Our Year 12 VCE-Vocational Major students started their VCE as VCAL students in 2022. They are now graduating as a result of the Victorian Senior Secondary Certificate Reform with their VCE with a Vocational Major in an industry of their choice. The final step in achieving their VCE-VM was to present their Personal Portfolio to a panel for assessment. These portfolios can be used while applying for further study and future employment. They have also been used to showcase our VCE-VM students strengths, abilities, proudest achievements, career goals and learning reflections. We asked all of our students to share the legacy they are leaving behind at ECSC. Most of our students want to be remembered as kind and caring people. We are very proud to see these personalities traits to be rated as the most important as our VCE-VM students venture out into the adult world. 


The majority of our Year 12 VCE-VM students have already secured apprenticeships, tertiary placements or employment for 2024. If any VCE-VM students need support in securing and pathway options, they are reminded that they can contact the College to make an appointment with our Careers Leader.