From the AP - Senior School

Year 12 Celebration Day
The college held our first Celebration Morning on Thursday, 19th October, the Year 12 students were farewelled by the College school community with lots of fanfare and celebration. Most students took the opportunity to dress up in costume, enjoyed the activities such as Dodge Ball and enjoyed a special morning tea, the presentations of photos from the Surf Camp, Photos from early years 2018-23 and the general of celebrations with fellow students and staff.
The College expected all student participating in this celebratory morning to conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates and reflects the school values of Respect, Aim to innovate, Embrace Learning and Look to inspire yourself and we are very proud to confirm all students conducted themselves in a manner in which we were all very proud. .
Celebration morning provided the College community with an opportunity to say ‘farewell’ to a first Cohort of year 12 students who have demonstrated their capacity to be creative, innovative and passionate young adults on their last day of Year 12 at the College before commencing studying from home in readiness for VCAA Written Examinations (if applicable) or are now preparing for life post secondary education.
Inaugural Year 12 Graduation
The college held our first year 12 graduation for the college on Thursday the 19th October, the event was held in the Gym. The parents, grandparents and extended families were invited to the event with 450 people registering for the event.
The college awarded and involved our students our eligible year 12 students who had met the colleges requirements for Graduation.
The college presented awards to students who demonstrating college values, Subject Excellence for achieving the highest scores in each, the College Leadership awards were presented to Student Representative Council (year 12) and Graduation Certificates to all eligible year 12 students.
Preparations for Year 12 Examinations
The college is making the final arrangements for our students who will be sitting their year 12 written examinations. The majority of those students sitting written examination will commence with the English exam on Tuesday 24th October.
The college will host the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authorities (VCAA) examinations in the gym and the VCAA Chief Assessor and supervisors will ensure the examinations are conducted in accordance with VCAA rules and practices. The college will host a special Breakfast club for the year 12 students sitting the English/EAL exam. Year Examination will be held ffom Tuesday 24th until .....
Final reminders and advice for students sitting year 12 examinations
Dear families, please we conscious that for many of our students they still face sitting the year year 12 written examinations, so please continue to support them in every possible way as we continue to do here at school. Please see the link below from VCAA re official advice to students. Follow the link below for official advice from VCAA.
Busy end to the term
The final term is a busy time of year for our Senior School students and staff, we have commenced this week the year 12 Examinations and over the coming weeks we will hold the year 10 and year 11 exams. These will be followed by the student "Stepping Up" into their studies for the following year. Further information will be shared via Compass and details are in the Senior School pages.
Promotions Policy
I wish to draw all students, parents and carers attention to Edgars Creek Secondary College Promotions Policy; that outlines the multiple opportunities for students to achieve success in their Senior School experience and provides personalised pathway planning to support students achieving their goals in and beyond school.
In order to set students up for success and support their decision making through Senior School and beyond, the following framework guides how students proceed through their senior years.
Year 10 into Year 11
Promotion into a senior certificate program such as VCE or VCE Vocational Major (VM) at Edgars Creek Secondary, year 10 students must:
For Year 11 VCE entry
Attain satisfactory completion of at least 8 over semester 1 & 2.
Attain satisfactory completion of English or EAL
For Year 11 VCE Vocational Major entry
Attain satisfactory completion of at least 6 subjects over semester 1 & 2.
If English or EAL is not successfully completed, additional testing will be required to determine the students readiness to proceed to a Senior Pathway Program
Achieve attendance level of 80% or above.
*Individual circumstances are taken into account upon making a final decision regarding a student’s access to a year 11 VCE program.
Year 11 into Year 12 Requirements
In order to gain entry from year 11 into year 12, students must achieve the following:
A minimum of 8 satisfactorily completed units at the unit 1 and 2 level or above, unless
The student undertakes 6 subjects in year 12 as part of an individual pathway plan
A minimum of 6 units completed if a confirmed 6 subject pathway plan in place for year 12
At least 1 unit of English or EAL
A VCE attendance rate of 90% for the academic year
*Individual circumstances are taken into account upon making a final decision regarding a student’s access to a year 12 program.