Middle School Update

Year 7 Update

Our year 7s have had a fantastic start to the term, with most of our students easing straight back in to all of our classes! Term 4 sees the return of our summer uniform and it has been excellent to see so many students dressed in our correct uniform each day and being prepared for learning. 


In the last week of term 3 and first week of term 4, our year 7s were lucky enough to have an incursion with Victoria Police. They spoke to students about safe social media use, bullying and harassment. Students were very engaged and respectful during this presentation and all came away with a strong understanding of Victorian Laws. 

We have also been lucky enough to run our finals of our dodgeball tournament, with 7I and 7D fighting it out in a tough grand final. With 7I ultimately coming away with the victory as our Ultimate Dodgeball Champions, it was great to see the homegroups working so well together!!


This term we will be following on from dodgeball with a basketball competition! Students should check the noticeboards in the coming days for more information!! 

Coming up this term we also have 2 exciting excursions for our year 7 students, with a science excursion to the zoo and an end of year excursion to Bounce. Both of these excursions are currently up on Compass for parents to consent and pay. 






Year 9 Update

Our Year 9 cohort have made a terrific return to Term 4. This term will be full of exciting opportunities for the students to get involved in and we are looking forward to finishing the year with great momentum.


Towards the end of Term 3, our students engaged well in lessons and also in extra-curricular events. Our soccer academy continued each Friday afternoon, which eventually resulted in a World Cup tournament on the last day of Term. Students enjoyed the beautiful sunshine and fierce competition.


In week 6, selected students visited Peter Lalor Secondary College to explore trade based facilities. Students were able to experience certain types of hands on learning.


In week 9, Students of the selective class "Partners in Crime" made their way into the city to participate in the GTAC environmental crime investigation. Students displayed our school values extremely well.


Exciting opportunities that are coming up in Term 4 include City Experience (Docklands Precinct), Year 9 Exams and also a trip to Luna Park to celebrate the end of Middle School.