Acting Principal's Update

Adam Smith

Acting Principal Adam Smith with College Vice Captain Layne on Graduation Day 2023
Acting Principal Adam Smith with College Vice Captain Layne on Graduation Day 2023

Greetings Edgars Creek Community, 


It has been a great time to join the Edgars Creek Secondary College community as the acting Principal for Term 4, and I am grateful for the warm and friendly welcome that I have received.  We are lucky to have such a diverse and caring community, and I am enjoying my time at the school. 


During my first three weeks at the college, I have had a chance to attend assemblies, meet our middle school students as they work on their mosaic tile artwork, visit a Spanish lesson, learn some history and give Year 12s a pep talk as they commenced their practice Year 12 English Exam.  My first week saw me meet the Year 9s, do yard duty and really get to marvel at the outstanding school we have here.  I have also enjoyed meeting some of our parents as they have come up to the college. 


Congratulations to the Class of 2023…

This past week we have seen a significant milestone in the life of Edgars Creek Secondary College, the graduation from classes of our first group of year 7 students who began at the College six years ago.  Their celebration day and graduation evening on Thursday the 19th embodied all of our school values but in particular the value of 'look to inspire self and others'. The legacy our Year 12s have left for the years to follow is one of pride in school, pride in self, and the importance of learning and working to be the best they can be.  I look forward to following this cohort as they complete their exams / finish up their VM programs and embrace successful journeys beyond our school gate. 


For our VCE students, the next four weeks will test them, with the English exam first up and the schedule of all other subjects following.  Students sitting exams are reminded of the power of sleep, of eating nutritiously and the importance of working with your teachers right up the day before to ensure you do your very best. 


It is an exciting time for our VCE-VM students as well. They will continue to work with their employers and for some, wrap up their competency-based work as they begin to pave the way for a successful career in their chosen field or further study. 


My message to all of our graduating students, remember that your journey is just beginning, it will be one that will be full of twists and turns, lessons and new beginnings.  The sum of all of the parts of your education does not define who you are as a person; it is what you do with the knowledge, skills and values that you have been taught by both school and home that will help you succeed and navigate life ahead.   Good luck and thank you for helping shape our community, our school and the lives of students in years to come. 


For our students in years 7 - 11 the work goes on… 

I would like to remind everyone of the importance of being at school and in class engaged in learning EVERYDAY.  Term 4 is an important one for all students, but particularly our students in years 7 - 11.   This is a time where you are wrapping up your skills and knowledge from one year level and getting ready to embrace that of the next.  For our year 11s, step up is going to be an important time for you to get a taste of what the subjects you have chosen are like.  A reminder that it is a school policy and a Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority policy that students attend and actively participate in 90% of classes to be eligible to gain a satisfactory for that subject.   


This message of 90% attendance is also important for every student.  Every student, regardless of year level must be at school and in their right class each lesson each day.  Making sure that this happens continues to be a priority for all of us at Edgars Creek. 


I look forward to engaging further with the community as the term progresses. 



Adam Smith 

Acting Principal