Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to St Joseph’s for Term 4. I hope that everyone had a fantastic holiday break. With the weather heating up, we are well and truly heading towards a hot summer.
This week, we farewelled Mrs Dannika Schwager as she starts her maternity leave next week. Please join me in praying for Mr & Mrs Schwager with the birth of their new baby.
This week we welcomed Mr David Hefferen to our staff. Mr Hefferen is teaching in Stage 2. It has been fantastic to have Mr Hefferen on our staff, and we are looking forward to getting to know you more and hope you enjoy our fantastic school community.
On Sunday, we will be celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation for our Year 5 & 6 students. This will be officiated by Fr Joseph at St Andrew’s Church in Wee Waa. He is very excited to lead this Sacrament, as this is usually led by a Bishop. He feels honoured to be asked by Monsignor Wilkes to support the students of his parish through this wonderful time.
We congratulate the following students from St Joseph’s Wee Waa, and we wish them every blessing for this significant event in their faith journey:
Ellis Allen, Cameron Baird, Aiden Cave, Sam Carolan, Sophie Crutcher, Bradley Hatton, Roley O'Shea, Noel Simpson, Lachlan Stewart, Hillary Thorne, Lori Thorne, Quinn Towns, Edee Towns, Reggie Graham and Sarah Coutts-Smith.
As we are in the final term of the year, we are planning for our end-of-year prizegiving, as well as planning for 2024 and beyond. If any family is moving in the summer holidays and leaving St Joseph’s Wee Waa, please contact the school office to let us know.
School Fees
This is a reminder that if you have not yet paid your school fees for this year, please consider doing so soon. We understand that circumstances can vary, and payment plans can be organised to make the process more manageable.
Monthly Compass school fee statements are communicated via email each month. If you have not received a copy of this, please contact the school office so we get this organised.
Uniform Reminders & Sun Safety
This is a reminder that all students are required to wear their full summer uniform, have their hair pulled back if it is past the shoulders, and have a school hat. As we are a sun-safe school, wearing a school hat is a compulsory requirement. No hat, no play. Please check that your child has a school hat and that they are bringing it to school.
If you require new uniforms, secondhand and other limited items are available to order via the Compass Canteen menu under uniforms or, alternatively, via our Made for School online store via
If you have issues ordering or have questions, please contact the school office.
Glow Disco
On Friday, 22 September, the St Joseph’s P & F hosted a Glow Disco at the Wee Waa Bowling Club. The students had a great time participating in games and dancing. A big thank you to the P & F for their organisation, the volunteers for their help setting up and preparing dinner, and the parents for your support.
Moorambilla Voices Workshop & Gala Concert
Congratulations to Campbell Collett and Percy Hayes, who participated in the Moorambilla Voices workshop at the end of last term. They also performed at the Moorambilla Voices Riversong Gala Concert on Saturday, 23 September, in Dubbo. Well done!
CSNSW Polding Athletics
Today, Friday 13 September, Lincoln Baird, Samuel Carolan, Edward Carolan, Wylie Cruickshank, James Gleeson, and Jack Wilson travelled to Sydney to compete at the CSNSW Polding Athletics, held at the Sydney Olympic Park Athletic Centre.
It was an amazing day, and the students demonstrated great pride and sportsmanship while representing our school and the diocese. Sam, who participated in the Senior Boys Shot Put and Discus, and Jack, who participated in the Senior Boys 100 m race, did tremendously well.
Further congratulations to Edward for placing 3rd in the 10 yr Boys 100 m (qualified for State championships), and to our Junior Boys Relay Team (Lincoln, Edward, Wylie, and James) for winning gold in the Junior Boys 4 x 100 m Relay, and have also qualified for State. We are incredibly proud of all the students’ achievements. Well done!
Finally, a big thank you to Heidi Hardaker, our Sport K-6 Coordinator, for her organisation and all our parents for your support.
Family Funraiser, volunteers & donations needed
This is a reminder that the St Joseph’s Primary Wee Waa P & F will host a Family Funraiser on Friday, 27 October, starting at 5:00 pm.
It is set to be a fun-filled night with a BBQ, Jumping Castle, Water Pistol Arena, Pick A Jar, Lions Club Chocolate Wheel, Chocolate Toss, Photo Booth, Show Bags, Market Stalls, Silent Auction and many more. Please see the attached flyer for further information.
The annual St Joseph’s P & F Raffle will also be drawn on this night. Tickets can be purchased for $2 each via until 7:30 pm on the night. You do not have to be present to win.
For some of the stalls, we would like to kindly ask families, if possible, to donate the following:
- Goodies (lollies, small chocolates, crayons, pencils, erasers, stickers, small toys, hairbands, etc.) for the Bottle Stall in plastic containers, please (no glass). Plastic containers are also available at the school office.
- Chocolate (Blocks, Bars, Freddo Frogs, etc.) for the Chocolate Toss Table
- A small plate/container of baked goods (nut-free, please) on the day of the Funraiser to sell at the Cake Stall labelled with a description (i.e. Cupcakes). If sending in containers, please label them with your name so they can be returned. Paper plates will also be available to collect from the school office as well.
Goodies for the Bottle Stall and Chocolates for the Chocolate Toss Table will be required prior to the event by Monday, 23 October, and baked goods will be required on the morning of Friday, 27 October, to be dropped off at the school office.
A great event like this is the result of having volunteers. Lots of hands make light work!
If you would be able to volunteer on this day to help with any of the following stalls from 5 pm (even for an hour!), please complete the following form by selecting the event, date and start time.
- Canteen
- Popcorn & Snow Cones
- Chocolate Toss Table
- Water Pistol Arena
- Temporary Tattoos Stall
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
End-of-Year Awards Presentation
Please note that our End of Year Awards presentation will be held on Thursday, 7 December, at Wee Waa Bowling Club, starting at 6 pm. Students will be required to wear their full summer uniform.
Further information regarding this event will be communicated closer to the date.
2024 Start of School Year change of date
Please note that due to the Department of Education making some changes to the staff development days in NSW schools, the Diocese of Armidale will be applying the same changes.
Therefore, all students (in Western NSW schools) will return to school on Thursday, 8 February 2024.
Have a great weekend.
God Bless,
Alistair Stewart